September 2023 – The Multi-Talented Paul Solger

The Multi-Talented Paul Solger: The Pillheadz, The Fartz, Mark Lanegan, Solger, Jayne County

Interview By: Ginger Coyote

Jayne County and Paul Solger

I first met Paul when his then band The Fartz with Duff McKagen came to San Francisco to play The Mabuhay Gardens.

If memory serves me right DOA from Vancouver was also on the bill. Boy did we have a blast!!! 

Paul and I remained in contact with one another He told me about playing with Jayne County for some shows in Seattle. I was so happy for all of the bands and musicians he played with. However, when he moved from Seattle we lost contact with one another. Then one day I get a friend request on Facebook and we started catching up.

I asked Paul to do an interview for the August issue sadly I did not get the interview to him in a timely manner.

But here it is for all to read……

Punk Globe: My dear Paul I have missed you. Where are you located these days? 

Paul Solger: Ginger, it’s been too long and time has flown by way too fast! Currently, I’m residing in the 5th ring of hell AKA: Yakima, WA I was priced out of Seattle. Didn’t a similar thing happen to you in SF, And that’s how you ended up in LA? My memory is a bit fuzzy. 

But I lucked out and got a great place on a hillside overlooking the valley.

Punk Globe: Tell me about your new band Who is in it and what do they do/ 

Paul Solger: Well were called the Pillheadz and it was myself, my friend Peter Del Giudice on drums, Robb Clarke from RC5 & Zipgun on vocals, and Steve e Nix from the Briefs on Bass But Steve e quit early on and this past March Robb passed away… So it’s Pete and I currently working with an old friend Tom Mick of Feast and a few other bands. I’m preparing an album that’ll be out soon. It’s a memorial for Robb called The SubSonic Demos since there are the writing demos we recorded during the pandemic and beyond, his last work. I just got the master back and it actually sounds great considering the source material. 

Punk Globe: Are you doing any material from Solger or The Fartz? 

Paul Solger: No, We decided to do all new stuff. And I wrote about 30 new songs, the most I’ve ever written and I’m the best 

Punk Globe: Are you doing the cover of Outta Control by Jayne County that you sent me? 

Paul Solger: Yes! It will be on the CD.. I sent it to Jayne and she really liked it

Punk Globe: Have you played any shows with the new band? 

Paul Solger: We had one set up but Robb blew his voice out two days before, we ended up doing a Solger mini-reunion instead 

Punk Globe: Any plans about going into the studio? 

Paul Solger: Thats what we were getting ready to do when Robb died. So the wheels got blown off temporarily and the cars in the shop 

Punk Globe: Since you are no longer in Seattle anymore. How is the music scene in Yakima? 

Paul Solger: I don’t go out these days so I don’t really know, But there is a place called the PUNK Bar I’ve been meaning to check out.. At least there’s something.

Punk Globe: Do you ever get to Seattle to see your old pals? I bet you miss your old apartment on Capitol Hill. 

Paul Solger: That’s the worst part! Especially as we’re getting older, Kyle from Solger comes over once and awhile but it’s mainly up to me to get over there. So much has changed in Seattle it doesn’t feel the same with a few exceptions of haunts that still exist. On a good note, the music scene is getting back to resemble the old days with a lot of us from back then playing again along with new younger bands. 

Punk Globe: Tell us who have you have been listening to lately. 

Paul Solger: A weird mix and not nearly as much as I used to for some reason? Late Beatles, Amyl and the Sniffers, Viagra Boys, the New Iggy LP, Marty Robbins, Lenny Bruce, Pillheads 😉 it really has no rhythm or reason.. Songs just pop into my head. 

Punk Globe: Are you playing the guitar you played with us in Seattle.. That was such a fun night. 

Paul Solger: I think the night I played the Motorhead cover with you I used a custom-built thing I was using in my current band. But I’m back to my original SG I’ve had since Solger, I got it for $250 when I was 15 years old.

Punk Globe: Do you ever hear from Rachelle she moved out of Portland living in the forest on the coast of Oregon. 

Paul Solger:  I’m totally drawing a blank on the name and who you’re referring to. That’s a fuzzy time and all the illnesses I’ve been through since haven’t helped! Chemotherapy, Hep C it’s all a bit of a jumble. 

Punk Globe: She was the girl I drove to Seattle. She was good pals with Phillippee   Do you hear from Duff McKagen? Any plans to visit Los Angeles 

Paul Solger: It’s been about six years since we last talked. I miss him.. I miss you, there are friends in LA and SF. I need to take a trip just to visit. If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that real friends are one of the most precious things you can hope to have in this crazy life!

Punk Globe: I saw him and that EPIX Party for that special on Punk the network ran co-produced by Iggy Pop.. I did not say hi. I hadn’t seen him since The Fartz days so I was a bit uncomfortable running up to him..  Also when I saw him I was chatting with Henry Rollins, Shepherd Fairy,  Heidi May, and Josie Cotton so I was preoccupied. 

Paul with Duff

Punk Globe: What are you and the band’s plans for 2023? 

Paul Solger: Record! We’re still trying to nail down a new singer and in the meantime, I’m putting out a memorial CD and then a Vinyl run called SubSonic Demos: A Memorial to Robert L Clarke. 

Punk Globe: What are your thoughts on that traitor, the orange blob? 

Paul Solger: We deserve so much better in this country! From both parties. Trump is a classic product of his upbringing, a distant cold mother, a father that only praised him when he made money for the family, and then his dad pawns him off to Roy Cohen, a sick self-loathing egomaniac who taught him everything he is now. He was also a closeted homosexual that died of AIDS and never admitted either when it was obvious to everyone. This was Trump’s mentor. There’s a documentary coming out about him soon. So an Egomaniac with low self-esteem.. That’s a bad combo, history has quite a few examples of similar men who were the same and it wasn’t a good mix then or now 

Punk Globe: I have never heard he has ever made any money, just lost alot.  Do you love Jack Smith? He is my hero 

Paul Solger: Justice to all regardless of who they are! Democrat, Republican.. Why can’t we have someone who knows what it’s like to choose between paying the rent or keeping the heat on? A regular person who is well-versed in governance could most likely do a far better job than any of the last dozen or so Yale-educated Skull and Bones members. It all reeks and I don’t buy into either side’s BS 

Punk Globe: I cannot identify with the gop they are plain evil.  Describe yourself in three words 

Paul Solger: Still Alive & Well (I cheated with the & symbol) 

Punk Globe: It is Punk Globe’s 46th Anniversary issue Any last words of wisdom for Punk Globe readers? 

Paul Solger: Well first off Congratulations on 46 years! That’s amazing, I guess I’d just say be cool to one another and support your local music and artist communities there precious in these days of cookie-cutter cellophane mass-marketed crap.. When this all started we were all small groups of misfits across the world connecting any way we could. The rest of the world finally caught up to some of what we were doing and now it’s hip with younger kids.. I see kids with band shirts they obviously never saw live but love them because there is no other good music out there. For those of us who made it through the gauntlet and are still here, we need to support each other and piss off the forces that want to divide this country.. Cut the strings of the puppet masters; they could care less about any of us! I like to stay neutral and observe the landscape. Then decide my next move. Take care all Cheers