- 2005 – Tweek City (film)
- 2006 – Phone Sex (documentary)[
- 2009 – Chatterbox Biography of a Bar San Francisco 1986-1990 (documentary)[
- 2011 – Last Fast Ride: The Life, Love and Death of a Punk Goddess (documentary)
- 2011 – Bloodied But Unbowed: Uncut (documentary)
- 2013 – White Trash Debutantes at SF Punk Prom Reality Check TV.(Documentary)
- 2017 – Turn It Around: The Story of East Bay Punk ( Green Day Documentary)[
- 2017 – Dazed (Short Film)
- 2018 – Women of Rock Oral History Project at the Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College
- 2022- Jim Carroll Documentary

Marc Floyd (AKA 'The Floydian Device')
Graphic design & interviews
Marc has played in many infamous bands over the years… Touring with Yes Lovegun, Smash L.A., Death Valley Dolls, JP5, and numerous others. He has recently recorded two records with Los Angeles-based music legend Richard Duguay. Their first album ‘Bad JuJu’ was released in 2019. Their second album ‘Beautiful Decline’ is being released in January 2023 on Cursed Blessings Records. He is also currently recording a solo record at his home studio in Vancouver, B.C. and producing a record for his daughter – songwriter Taylor Floyd.
The Floydian Device is also a filmmaker with ‘One Finger Films’. He and his partner – The Fabulous Ms. Ligaya – produce music videos, short films, and are currently working on a documentary about Punk Globe founder and White Trash Debutante Ginger Coyote!

” I met Ginger in 2008 when my band – JP5 – played with the White Trash Debutantes. We did the “Anarchy in BC Tour” with them, up & down the Wet Coast. That’s when Ginger and I started our lifelong Sisterhood in everything Punk Rock. I started reading Punk Globe and instantly wanted to be a part of such a cool, empowered, and inclusive punk rock magazine that covered everything you could imagine. I am a bass player/singer (JP5, I Braineater, Sinmobile, FYFW), photographer, and filmmaker. I do interviews with my partner – The Floydian Device, my right-hand man and homefry. We make documentaries, and film bands with our company ONE FINGER FILMS, and make rock n’ roll we love. We are currently producing a documentary on Ginger Coyote and Punk Globe.”


Reviews of music & films

Astrology & tarot

Erik Core
(aka The Viking Princess)
U.S. West Coast and Europe. He plays acoustic punk, or what he calls “Acousticore” music. He
played for years as a solo artist and has been performing and releasing new music with a full
band over the last few years. He also sang for Gods of the Revolution and Gunpowder. Tits on a
Bull (T.O.A.B.) is his newest project featuring members of Erik Core, Gunpowder, Union Carbide
Productions, Left Out Lamont, and Dry Spell. Tits is a glam punk band, where Erik Core
transforms into The Viking Princess.

With a curious and passionate nature, Nhell is always learning and exploring new ways to bring her ideas to life!
From coding on her computer to playing music, she is adept at combining her love of technology with her passion for the arts to create new fun projects.
She lives in France and is the guitarist/singer in the band Mad Monsterz.