March 2023: The Always Amazing Tara Rez

The Always Amazing Tara Rez Tells The Story For The Soundtrack To The End Of The World

Interview by GINGER COYOTE

I love interviewing Tara Rez. She has to be one of the hardest people I know.

Playing in her band The Duel, recording, putting together benefit shows for needy causes, and doing a badass radio show ‘The Tara Rez Radio Show’  on Radio Reverb 97.2FM … When does she have time to sleep? I adore her so very much.

Punk Globe: Congratulations. On the release of The Soundtrack to The End of The World the new release by The Duel. It took some time, but you did it. Tell us about it 

This is the second of a trilogy of albums we are writing together.  The Soundtrack to The End of The World (The Zak Splash Story) is a concept album we wrote in 2012.  It was always a favorite of ours, but we weren’t happy with the overall quality and we both  really wanted to improve it.  Only to find that it seemed that all the original parts had been lost!  So, we set to work on remaking it from scratch.  Andy created and produced all the music., and I  did all the vocals.  Fortunately, Max Splodge  of Splodgnessabounds was still up for performing on it.  – we had to wait quite a while to get Max back in the studio – due to covid scenarios but pleased to report we got there in the end 🙂 

Punk Globe: Tell us about the title you picked The Soundtrack to The End of The World the Zac  Splash Story.  Who is Zak Splash?

Zak Splash is a fictional artist from the 70s who has a comeback hit in this millennium. It is a familiar story, amusing to our scene, but it is also his personal story and soundtrack to the end of his life as the whole world came to a sudden end.   

It has indeed been nice in these crazed times to spend some of that time just getting  lost in this story.  Great escapism masterpiece. 

Punk Globe: How many tracks are on the CD?

7 Tracks alongside a Narration told by Max being released on colored double vinyl, Digital Download /CD in time for Xmas 2021 

Punk Globe: The Duel was on a high with shows and recordings before Andy was diagnosed with MS. Did you have a hard time selecting the right songs for the release?

It was hard but we just picked the ones that we really loved.  And it has been painfully sad what happened to The Duel.   After we split it all started to unravel and I  became aware that  Andy had had untreated MS for the whole time we knew each other. Reflecting on past events, with this new information was like revisiting the themes with the missing pieces of the puzzle.  That invisible string that tied it all together was found.   Needed help for mental therapy but where to turn – nowhere!  I realized many of our arguments/problems that  I endured as his long-standing friend could have been  triggered by the MS affecting/distorting things.  I and other band mates went through some very stressful situations over the two decades.  At the same time, now we know, it must also have been very frightening for Andy in those times, not knowing that he had this underlying condition affecting his view. 

One constant cause for an argument was in the studio as we would disagree about  sound/levels. But as Andy started his  MS  treatment, his hearing got better, and it came to light to him that his hearing was off before!  & He enjoys his new hearing now!  At least that was one hell of a long-term Duel that had come to an end! 

Punk Globe: I understand that you have reformed the band to promote the release. Besides yourself who is in this incarnation of The Duel?

The full line up is not yet confirmed –  So far Chris McDougall is on Bass and Ed Sonsino is on guitars.  The rest is still to unfold. Obviously, it’s very sad that Andy cannot be there too to perform.  But he is very much part of the mastermind of it all as we’re doing it together however we can. We all get a cardboard cut-out if he likes lol 

Punk Globe: Do you have shows booked and how have rehearsals been going?

Our first show booked as the Duel was prompted by a conversation with an old friend/neighbor Eugene from the band   Desperate Measures.    He came along to the last Ruts DC gig recently and we had a good chat about band stuff. He invited the Duel to play an Xmas show with his band on 16 December 2021 at Nambucca London. 

Punk Globe: You have created quite a buzz on social media. Are you happy with the response?

Great to hear.  Really very appreciative of everyone who has shown care and support in what we are doing,  there is still loads to do as we have,  only just finished the new album  –  But to be honest, what with Andy’s condition deteriorating like it is, it is hard dealing with everything and staying focused on social media so well. Sometimes online reality and real-life reality are so worlds apart that you just feel too much on the outside to connect with it and it’s okay to admit that.  It’s a real feeling for a lot of people right now so it is fair to say it out loud. 

Punk Globe: It is with The Duel that we began our friendship. We have gone full circle. Are your other bands on hold or are you juggling your schedule?

 Indeed, we have gone full circle!  It is   nice remembering  good things that have come about out  of The Duel :)))

This week’s rehearsals are for a show I have just gone out as Tara Rez with Janus Stark, down in Brighton at The Pipeline.  Chris & Ed will be joining me,  Kate my previous drummer has moved back to Australia during the lockdown with her wife, but we will play with her again one day! I am exploring new ways to do live shows now too,  which seems to be rousing some excitement out of me lol.  

Punk Globe: Is Andy happy with all the hard work and energy that you have put in to make this release a reality? I know your fans are thrilled.

I hope so! 🙂 I know we are both grateful that we have another chance to do what we do best together, The Duel was our lives for so long and we carried on despite the trials. means to the world that we have some fans still!

Punk Globe: I know you are one busy Woman so. Give the readers an update on where to find out more about the new release and future shows.

The and are both in the process of being sorted out so all releases and merchandise will be available through those online shops soon.  Until then please just add us on Facebook @thedueluk or on Insta @theduelmusic to stay connected for more news. 

Punk Globe: How would you now describe yourself in three words?

Depends on who is asking! lol 

No seriously right now, I am

Hot, Happy  & Hungry Haha :)))

(Officially the hottest day of the year so far)

Punk Globe: I tweeted you about Venice Beach putting time and money into helping get the homeless into shelters and off the beach. Any thoughts?

This is wonderful news and a great start.  To me rehousing everyone is an urgent priority and there are some easy solutions that the powers that be could put into place to end all this.  Having experienced homelessness as a teen I know it’s no joke! The extent of the problem in Venice Beach and beyond is that it has been allowed to get as big as it has – before the hand of help was offered.  But yes, it is a great start and long may it continue and thrive.

Punk Globe: Any final words for the Punk Globe readers?

Stay safe and sane in this daze and thank you for reading this far xxxxx 

Big love and thanks to PunkGlobe & Ginger for her support to us and all her tireless support to so many bands. PunkGlobe Forever .

Tara Rez and Segs Jennings
Paul Of The Duel, Ginger Coyote, My Beautiful Sister From a Different Mister Tara Rez, and Mr. Segs from The Ruts DC