March 2023 – Iris Berry Of Punk Hostage Press

A Date With My Sweet And Loving Friend….. Iris Berry Of Punk Hostage Press

Interview By Ginger Coyote

 Iris and I go way back I have always adored her. I am so happy we have stayed close. I got the chance to ask Iris some fun and informative questions.. 

Chatting with Iris brought up a bunch of memories. As you read the interview you will see why Iris and I have stayed close. We both love to have fun but we do get business done.. I sure hope you have as much reading this interview as I did asking Iris the questions… I Love You Iris Berry and Thank you for a great interview…

Punk Globe: It is always a pleasure to interview you I miss our fun times at The Saddle Ranch and El Compadre. Punk Hostage Press is going great guns tell us about some of your recent releases?

Thank you, Ginger, thank you for having me. We sure did have some amazing times at The Saddle Ranch and El Compadre. Hard to believe it was 12 years ago…feels like yesterday. 

Yes, Punk Hostage Press has never been better. In 2022 we released five incredible books! Joe Donnelly’s So Cal: Dispatches from the End of the World Jack Grisham’s Pulse of the World, Pleasant Gehman’s Rock ‘N’ Roll Witch, Patrick O’Neil’s Anarchy at the Circle K, Richard Modiano’s The Forbidden Lunchbox, and S.A Griffin’s Pandemic Soul Music.

Punk Globe: I noticed you have been hosting some killer Punk Hostage events do tell us about them? 

Thank you…it’s been great, especially since we couldn’t do anything live for so long during lockdown. We’ve had a few! The most recent event was at Beyond Baroque for Richard Modiano’s The Forbidden Lunchbox. It was incredible. It’s always great to do events at Beyond Baroque. If it wasn’t for them, I doubt I would be doing what I do. Truly! Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, located in Venice Beach, California, was founded in 1968. Over the years, their workshops have been attended by numerous well-known Los Angeles writers and poets. The center’s first librarian was Exene Cervenka of the band X, who formed after Cervenka and John Doe met at the Wednesday Night Poetry Workshop there. The history there is incredible. If you’re not aware, check them out!

Punk Globe: Punk Hostage Press is really the little engine that can get to the top.  We’re you active during the Pandemic?

When the Pandemic hit, we kicked it into high gear. 2020 was supposed to be the year of my book tour for All That Shines Under the Hollywood Sign. First stop was New York in the Spring and Europe in the Fall. And when I realized that none of that could happen, I put all my time into publishing a lot books on the Press. I wanted something good to come out of being on lockdown, and for that it was great! 

Punk Globe: A bit of a tough question Iris what releases are you most proud of? 

Yes, one would think. But truly, I love them all. Writing a book, as you know, is a big deal. It takes a lot for someone to sit down to write a book and complete it. It’s no small accomplishment. So yes, I love them all…we couldn’t publish them if we didn’t.

Punk Globe: Authors I have interviewed give Punk Hostage Press as being honest and fair to deal with.

That’s really nice to hear. When Razor and I created the model for Punk Hostage Press, we did it in favor of the writer. That’s why the writers get their books at cost, and they get 60 percent of all royalties. No other publishing company does this. But, Punk Hostage Press is more of a community than a company.

Punk Globe: What is on the horizon as far as releases go?

I’m super excited about what’s about to be released. I’m Currently finishing production on Shawna Kenney’s I Was a Teenage Dominatrix (3rd edition) and then to follow we have O.R.’s Ophelia Rising, Mike Roche’s (T.S.O.L) I Play With Giants, and Steve Balderson’s The Year of The Whore. All fantastic books!

Punk Globe: We sure had a lot of fun at The Saddle Ranch with Nick, Joe & Kim,  Jon Gries, Button, Billy Savage, The Flintstones, Marc & Ligaya, Nikki &Gail and the gang Any nights that stand out for you?

Oh Ginger, did we ever! Especially with the Flintstones. Ha! They were all great times. But my favorites were at El Compadre when we’d have those big groups at one table. I love El Compadre, 1975 is when it opened. A lot of History in those 48 years in that dimly lit Hollywood noir atmosphere. And we definitely added to it. 

Punk Globe: Do you remember the phone message I had Noel Fisher (Mickey from Shameless) leave you? I had so much fun hanging out with him. You also had your own Shameless fun times tell the readers more. 

I’ll never forget it, and neither will the people sitting around me…I screamed in shock and laughed so loud. It was great! You’re the best for doing that. I was with my friend Chris Bailey aka The Grand Poobah of the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo, we were at the Malibu Inn for some very loud punk rock bands and somehow I screamed and laughed louder than the music. Hahaha…

Yeah, I grew up in a wild household…growing up in Pacoima with three older brothers and no parental guidance. My mom was a single mother raising 4 kids all on her own. She was a tough Brooklyn beauty. But boys will be boys, ya know? They were always causing trouble everywhere we went. One time my mom took us to Busch Gardens for the tour. We were up on the catwalk with all the other tourists and families and my one brother Paul spit into the bubbling hops down below us, and that was it, we were escorted out by security. One of just many times that happened. Never a dull moment with my awesome family.

Iris Berry, Joe Dallesandro, Ginger Coyote, and Chloe Trujillo

Punk Globe: Any thoughts on the new Punk Globe layout?

It looks great!!!!  But it’s always looked great. I’ve always loved the Punk Globe aesthetic. You all have done such a great job consistently. You do a lot for the Punk Rock and Rock ‘n’ Roll communities at large. Thank you so much for that, to your staff and to you personally, Ginger. We all love you for all that you do and how well you do it! Viva La Punk Globe!  

Punk Globe:  Do you have any Internet addresses you would like to share with the readers?

Punk Globe: Describe yourself in three words.

Inspired, amused, and infatuated…

Punk Globe: Any last words for the readers and of course Jim Dandy and Black Oak Arkansas?

Ok… for the Record, Ginger…since we’ve been having this convo for some time now, hailing Jim Dandy…

I saw Black Oak Arkansas when I was 16 at the Aquarius Theatre on Sunset Blvd for a taping of the TV show The Midnight Special. They were great! And I swear I can still see myself in the audience when I watch it on YouTube.

And for Last words…Be Nice…and read more books…