The Fabulous Immoral Kids From Toulouse France
Interview By: Ginger Coyote

On suggestion from the fabulous Nhell Monsterz, The Immoral Kids agreed to the following interview.
It was fun to find out how we all enjoy the same things in life.
Punk Globe : Tell the readers about your band lmmoral Kids where are you located?
We live in Paris and Toulouse in France.
Punk Globe: How did you come up with the name lmmoral Kids?
We were looking for a name that would define us in our way of living and seeing things. “Immoral Kids” came to us very quickly, as it represents both our childlike, candid side and our queer, off-the-beaten-track side.
Punk Globe: Who is in lmmortal Kids and what do they play ?
We’re a duo, Sean & JiF. We’re fairly cross-disciplinary artists, practicing visual arts (photo, video, vjing, painting) as well as performance, costumes, tattooing, and of course music. At the moment, Sean is mainly on vocals and JiF produces and plays machines.

Punk Globe: How long have you been doing lmmoral Kids ?
We’ve been working together on non-musical artistic projects for over 15 years, but although we’ve each had bands for many years, “Immoral Kids” only came into being recently. It was immediately obvious to us that this project was a good fit.
Punk Globe: Who are some influences for lmmoral Kids ?
It’s a very difficult question because we got a lot of different influences. Lets’s try !
Sean has been influenced by Bjork, Massive Attack, Tricky, Nine Inch Nails, Serge Gainsbourg, Jacques Brel or The Kills. JiF first discovered the icons of the 60s and 70s (Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Who etc…) before falling into punk, first in England with the Sex Pistols and The Clash before discovering the American punk scene like Minor Threat, Fugazi, Bad Brain, Dead Kennedys or Nomeansno among others. Then at the end of the 90s while living in London he discovered electronic music like The Jungle or Squarepusher or Fx-twin and this never ended. Today, there are no boundaries between electronic music, punk, metal, and anything else that makes noise. It’s all about the mind. In short, the influence would be that of an early electroclash, something between Miss Kittin & The Hacker and Sexy Sushi with a touch of psychedelia!
Punk Globe: You have a new release ‘We Don’t Give A Shit’. ls it out now ?
Yes, the single and video were released on May 3rd
Punk Globe: Tell the readers how they can buy a copy.
At the moment, we’re only releasing digitally, but you can find us on all the major streaming platforms, and we’ll probably be releasing vinyl at a later date.
Punk Globe: Have you played with punk bands before doing lmmoral Kids ?
At the moment Sean also playing with a band called “Opium Du Peuple”, a cover of standard French chanson reorchestrated in a punk-hardcore metal style.
JiF played in “Le Catcheur, La Pute & Le Dealer” (which can be translated as the wrestler, the whore and the drug dealer). An electro-metal-punk trio
Punk Globe: l noticed that you have a video available on YouTube that you must prove you are old enough to watch it. l assume it is YouTube who decided on the age verification. Are you happy with that ?
It’s clear that YouTube decided to ban the video for under-18s.
Of course, on the one hand, we’re annoyed because the video is harder to promote and we’ve put a lot of effort into it, but on the other hand, we were kind of expecting it and it proves that today, messages of violence and reactionary puritanism are still welcome. Love, tolerance, and
the freedom to think differently from others are still banished. Some things have advanced in recent years with political activism, but we still have the impression of a great return to obscurantism, and GAFA is a major participant in an imperialism that is ever more violent and hypocritical.

Punk Globe: l enjoyed your message “Stay lmmoral…., Stay True
What can we say… Stay immoral, stay true !
Punk Globe: Describe yourself in 3 three words
Love / Punk / Immoral /
Punk Globe: Do you have any Internet Addresses that you would Iike to share with the readers?
Punk Globe: Any Last words for Punk Globe readers?
We’re shooting the next video this week for release at the end of June, and there’ll be a new track this summer and another one in the autumn, followed by an EP. We do videos of all our songs because it’s an extension of our imagination for us. We’ll be playing a few festivals in the countryside in France this summer before getting back to writing. We’d love to come and play on the other side of the Atlantic as soon as we can! So stay tuned. Love on you, Stay immoral, stay true!