July 2024 – Up and Coming Actor Brett Culbert  

Up and Coming Actor Brett Culbert

Interview by GINGER COYOTE

I noticed a nice-looking guy who was following me on Instagram. I checked out his profile.  He was an actor so I  decided to ask him for an interview. Please enjoy my conversation with Brett Culbert

Punk Globe: Thanks so much for the interview, Brett. How long have you been working as an Actor? 

Brett:I have been an actor since I was 15 approx 23 years

Punk Globe: Tell the readers about your first acting job.

Brett: My first professional performance was in a play call Spartz Radio at Just Off Broadway Theater in Kansas City MO

Punk Globe: On your IMDB page it says that you were born in a very small town. I want to wager I have you beat I grew up in Iowa in a town with a population. How was it for you growing up?

Brett:  I grew up in Leavenworth County Kansas 

Punk Globe: Growing up was there a film or TV Show that motivated you to get out of Dodge and become an actor? 

Brett: Forrest Gump was very compelling to me after seeing it I didn’t stop running

Punk Globe: When did you move to New York or Hollywood?

Brett:  My wife and I moved back to the LA area recently and are enjoying every moment 

Punk Globe: Did you start your career as a model or did you get an acting agent? 

Brett: I started my career by obtaining a Talent Manager and have never been a model.

Punk Globe: As I told you when I contacted you I am a big General Hospital fan. I have friends who appeared on the show and are current cast members. Tell us about your stint on the show.

Brett: My time on General Hospital was surreal. I grew up with my family watching it so it was tons of fun playing in that world.

Punk Globe: It appears that you hit gold with your role in Rebel Moon. You were in Part 1 and Part 2.  Is there a Part 3 in the works?

Brett:  I’m not entirely sure, they keep that info under lock and key and it would be sick if there was

Punk Globe: How many auditions did you go on to get the role?

Brett:  Funny Story they auditioned me for a different role and selected me for the Gunnery Commander.

Punk Globe: We have a mutual acquaintance Hilary Jones. My dear friend Pauley Perrrette is his neighbor. Did he shoot your headshots?   

Brett: No My headshots have been done by Bella Seville and Brian Parillo

Punk Globe: Are you into music?

Brett:  Yes I love all kinds of music. From Rap to Punk

 Punk Globe: Are you a musician also?

Brett:  NO 

Punk Globe:  Who is on your iPod?

Brett: Anyone from Little Wayne to  Garth Brooks and Dolly to Mozart with a splash of Bowie

Punk Globe:  What does the future hold in store for you Brett? 

Brett: I recently signed on for two feature films Curbside Service & The Gottaways

Punk Globe: Do you have any Internet addresses that you would like to share? 


Punk Globe: Describe yourself in three words

Brett:  Curious, Sarcastic,Childlike

Punk Globe: Any last words for Punk Globe readers. 

Brett: Keep your eyes out for the Snyder Cuts of Rebel Moon dropping on August 2  on Netflix. To quote Joan Jett   ‘I don’t give a damn ’bout my reputation’.