July 2024 – Punk Of the Month


Article By: Ginger Coyote

This month’s Punk of THE MONTH award goes to JUSTICE JUAN MERCHAN who presided in the Hush Money Trial against the orange blob.

The blob has described the judge who oversaw his hush-money trial – where he was found guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records – as a “certified Trump hater”.

Others say New York County Supreme Court  JUSTICE JUAN MANUEL MERCHAN  is a tough and no-nonsense but fair jurist. Before this case, the most high-profile to ever cross his courtroom, JUSTICE MERCHAN  has served 17 years on the bench. He is also no stranger to the high drama that the blob brought to the justice system.

Before, during, and since the trial ended, the orange blob has relentlessly spewed at JUSTICE MERCHAN, both at his rallies to the sheep who drank the Kool-aid and on every form on social media and Fox News. He has accused the judge of prejudging, conflicts, and repeated rulings against the defense – comments that he  has made  about other  officials involved in his trials

With great help from witnesses DAVID PACKER, MICHAEL COHEN, HOPE HICKS, and the true Shero STORMY DANIELS justice was served…