January 2023 | Let’s Talk Punk with Rogues Of Chaos

Let's Talk Punk with Rogues Of Chaos

Interview By Lisa-PunkrPrincess

January 23 Let's talk punk (3)

Punk Globe: Hi thanks for chatting with us, tell us how you started Rogues Of Chaos?

Rogues Of Chaos: Rogues of Chaos is the ensemble of members from The Cardiac Kidz, Spice Pistols, Pinkeye and adds the dynamic vocals of Tamera Harrison. A merging of experienced musicians to create an exciting electrifying sound. Our music is raw yet refined and moving. We are a high energized Punk/Rock/Power pop super Band

Punk Globe: Who are the band members and what other projects are, or have they been involved with?

Rogues Of Chaos: The members are Julian “Jerry” Flack: Guitar/Vocals from CARDIAC KIDZ, Spice Mike: Bass, SPICE PISTOLS
Zakaria Albanna: Drums PINK EYE, Tamara Harrison: Vocals

Punk Globe: How often do you or plan to play shows?

Rogues Of Chaos: As often as we are able. We are ready to unleash our high energy music to the world. We are filled with anticipation….

Punk Globe: Other than playing music what else do you all like to do?

Rogues Of Chaos: Julian: I’ve got a variety of interests, Cooking is one of my passions, scuba diving, reading, snow skiing.

Punk Globe: Who are some local artists you have or would like to play shows with?

Bart Mendoza: Manual Scan, Social Spit, Spent Idols, Hector Penalosa’s new band, Zero’s. Hollywood Stars, The Dictators

Punk Globe: What’s new in the recording of your music?

Rogues Of Chaos: Music is raw yet refined and moving. We are taking the best parts of Punk, Rock and Power Pop
and putting more life into the music so that people will feel the life in our recordings.


Punk Globe: Describe your show, visual and musically

Rogues Of Chaos: Well besides biting the heads off bats….LOL oh wait Ozzy did that LOL
We are high energy!!!

Punk Globe: If you guys were to describe yourself in simple word choice. What would you say?

Rogues Of Chaos: FUN !!!!

Punk Globe: What are your hopes for future bands?

Rogues Of Chaos: They don’t give up !! “NEVER SAY DIE” AGE NEVER MATTERS…
Believe in what you do!!!

Punk Globe: Any shout-outs you like to give?

Rogues Of Chaos: Yes lots of them

Punk Globe: Where can we find band info/music?

Rogues Of Chaos: We have a Facebook page that has information and currently have a website under construction which will have information. We will put website link on Facebook
Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/RoguesOfChaos

Punk Globe: Do you have anything else you would like the readers to know about?

Rogues Of Chaos: Watch for upcoming shows

Punk Globe: Thanks for chatting with us and thanks to all the readers.

Rogues Of Chaos: Thank you so very much !!!

January 23 Let's talk punk (3)

Photo credits :
Whatever68 Radio
Ace Davis

January 23 Let's talk punk