Remembering The Late Model Eric Zentner
Interview By: Ginger Coyote

It has been over 20 years now that we lost the late great male SuperModel Eric Zentner who was a victim of a hit-and-run accident outside of Santa Barbara, California on Highway 1. The driver has never been charged for the manslaughter of Eric.
I met Eric at El Compadre in Hollywood. It was a huge loss for the modeling world.
We started going out and I did this final interview with him before he left us.
This is a repeat of an interview we did 25 years ago….

Punk Globe: Hi Eric! Thanks so much for the interview. Can you give us some background about yourself Where were you born and grew up?
Eric Zentner: My childhood was pretty interesting. I was born in Woodland, CA., and grew up in a house in the center of a walnut orchard in a small town called Winters. I spent most of my early childhood bouncing back and forth between my parents and moving around the countryside and farmlands of central California. I grew up playing sports, chasing girls, hunting, fishing, building forts, and since my Dad is a drummer that also included playing music, enjoying life to the fullest, and having big dreams. Growing up we didn’t have all that much but there was always plenty of love, imagination, fun, and support from both sides of my family.
Punk Globe: When we saw each other at El Compadre you mentioned that you have played in bands. Tell us about your bands and what instruments you play.
EZ: On my eleventh birthday my Dad got me a 4-string Gibson Epiphone bass guitar and I was a bass player from that day on. I’ve jammed with many friends and musicians over the years but it wasn’t until 2007 that I joined and helped write the music for Cam Powell’s upcoming band, ‘Thunder From Heaven.’ Although I’m not currently in the band they are still around and about to release a shredding new album in collaboration with members from ‘The Devil’s Orchestra.’ You can visit their homepage at
Punk Globe: Tell the readers about Thunder from Heaven.
EZ: Thunder From Heaven is a psychedelic grunge metal band that was created in Cam Powell’s fun and twisted mind. For a year he spent all his time and energy writing songs and manifesting his ideal rock band. Together he and I wrote the music for the first album and from there it kept expanding into what it has become today with the help of many other talented musicians/friends.
Punk Globe: What are some of your favorite venues to play at?
EZ: We played in a lot of different venues, mostly centrally located in Hollywood, but my favorite place to perform was Cinespace Lounge. It was our Sunday night residency known as Camerata. I’m good friends with owner Kimberley Roussel; everyone always made us feel like rock stars. It was awesome! We had so much stage space and freedom to move around and get involved with the crowd. Visual clips and movies played behind us, we had great sound tech, our own VIP area, and free drinks. Such a good time!
Punk Globe: Who are some of your favorite bands?
EZ: I have always loved all genres of music from country to hip-hop but because of my Dad I am most influenced by rock/metal. Growing up listening to what my Dad blasted is a lot of what I still love to listen to today like Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Rush, Judas Priest, Alice Cooper, White Trash Debutantes, Van Halen, L7, Scorpions, Led Zeppelin, and Metallica. I can be caught listening to anything though.
Punk Globe: If you could play at any venue with any bands where would you play and with what bands? Remember the bands can be broken up and the venue may be history… It is your dream show
EZ: I would create my full-day event at my Grandma Zentner’s gorgeous country home. It’d be a beautiful spring day with tons of amazing food, kegs of frosty beer, a 10-gallon margarita machine, kids running around, adults lounging about, enjoying life, and everyone would be either laughing or smiling. Featured guests would include Jimi Hendrix, Cliff Burton, Neil Pert, David Bowie, Randy Rhodes, John Waite, Dimebag Darrel, Maynard Keenan, John Lennon, Eva Cassidy, Geddy Lee, Joe Satriani, Stevie Ray Vaughn, David Lee Roth, Tupac, and Ozzy Osbourne.

Punk Globe: I noticed a photo of you riding a board. How long have you been skateboarding for?
EZ: I’ve been skating off and on since the age of 12 which spawned from spending my winters snowboarding in Tahoe. At a few points in my life I was pretty good but these days I don’t heal quite as well so I’ve slightly mellowed out.
Punk Globe: Do you still skate and what brand of board do you ride?
EZ: I still skate but not nearly as often. At one point, a skateboard was my only form of transportation in LA. That lasted for 6 years and let me tell you that it wasn’t easy. Especially living in Redondo Beach and working all over Los Angeles. Saw a lot of interesting things though. Never really had any preference for decks. Usually just mobbed a blank deck that I could get for cheap and break if need be.
Punk Globe: I looked at your blog and noticed your modeling work is very impressive. How did you get into modeling?
EZ: I was introduced to modeling by a gentleman named Matthew Heller as I was walking into a Red Robin to turn in a job
resume at the age of 19. He had a college magazine that I did some work for and in wanting to potentially further a career for myself he introduced me to agent Maria Manelli at ‘NEXT.’ Maria soon began her agency, M Models, and from there, things thankfully just took off.
Punk Globe: In some of your photos you look pretty young. How old were you when you started working?
EZ: I’ve been modeling professionally since I was 20. It took a while to create a nice portfolio for myself but after that work stayed consistent. There have been times that I have taken time off which has had an effect on my career but for the most part, all of my photos are spread out through the last ten years.
Punk Globe: What Agency are you signed with?
EZ: At the moment I’m signed with ‘CLICK Model Management.’

Punk Globe: Who are some of your favorite Photographers to work with?
EZ: Sasha Eisenman is my favorite photographer to work with. He and I have worked numerous times together and have been brothers since day one; which happened to be my first real job. He’s super easy to work with, fun, real, and talented. I used to shoot a lot with Doug Inglish as well. Although we haven’t done anything recent he’ll probably always remain one of my favorites.
Punk Globe: I noticed some photos with Mandy Moore. She is a nice girl. I met her through Vitamin C. What were those photos for?
EZ: Mario Testino shot those for the cover story of ‘Teen Vogue.’ She was really sweet and easy to work with. Didn’t get to know her too well but she did seem very nice. Mario’s a lot of fun to work with though. He’s another one of my favorite photographers.
Punk Globe: Have you always lived in California?
EZ: I haven’t always lived in California due to traveling but the majority of my years have been spent here. No matter where I am I will always remain a Cali-Kid.
Punk Globe: Do you also do runway work? Or only print?
EZ: The majority of my work has been print but I have done my fair share of runway. Both are a lot of fun to do but I do prefer shooting at a location. Traveling and being a part of something new and creative is what I enjoy about modeling.
Punk Globe: Have you also worked as an actor?
EZ: I have limited work as an actor but I am ready to change that. I’ve done a few commercials, a few music videos, and some minimal soap opera work, but I want to start focusing on feature films and sitcoms.
Punk Globe: Can you tell the readers what they may have seen you?
EZ: At the moment I’m in Katy Perry’s ‘Hot ‘n Cold’ music video doing the facial expressions as the best man. It’s pretty corny but that was the whole idea. I might have also been spotted in older Versace, H&M, Nike, Macy’s, Howe clothing, and K-Swiss campaigns as well.
Punk Globe: Who are your favorite actors?
EZ: Jim Carrey’s my all-time favorite but Christopher Walken, Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Hanks, Robin Williams, Chris Farley, Val Kilmer, Gary Oldman, and William Dafoe are extremely talented and in close ranks.
Punk Globe: You were recently in at Sundance. How was it this year?
EZ: Sundance this year was killer! A week worth’s of entertainment, friends, beautiful scenery, and plenty of fun. It snowed quite a bit more than last year but there was a lot of talent, great bands, and some exceptional films this year.
Punk Globe: You mentioned that Joan Jett was playing at Sundance. Am I right?
EZ: Yeah, Joan Jett performed this year. Unfortunately, I was at a dinner party but my good friend/actor, Shane West, said she was awesome. The Fray, Richard Marx, Leann Rimes, Waley, and I even heard Chris Cornell made a special appearance among so many others.
Punk Globe: Any other break-out films you would suggest to the readers to be on the lookout for?
EZ: ‘The Violent Kind’ by the Butcher Brothers. Those guys are awesome! I highly recommend watching it and looking out for films created by these two. Another outstanding film this year is ‘Skateland.’ It is a must-see.
Punk Globe: Do you have any website addresses you would like to promote?
EZ: A majority of my portfolio can be found at Feel free to leave comments or send a message. I don’t happen to have anything else at the moment but do keep your eyes out for me.
Punk Globe: Thanks so much for the interview, Eric. You RAWK! Any last words for our readers?
EZ: Thank you Punk Globe and Ginger Coyote! I appreciate the opportunity and hope I can keep you and your readers posted on more to come. Everyone out there keep those dreams alive, stay real, don’t sweat the small stuff, rock at your own pace, and live like there’s no tomorrow. Love you Ginger! STAY TUNED!!