‘Wild Women Don’t Die… They Just Dye Their Hair And Get Wilder’... The One And Only - Meri St. Mary
Interview By: Ginger Coyote

Meri and I have been pals forever. I thought it was time to ask her a few questions about what she has been up to in Nevada City, California…
She took some time out from the severe winter storm to answer some questions for me.
Punk Globe: Thanks for the interview Meri it has been awhile I know that you are still doing your radio show. How long have you been doing your show?
Meri: Yes Milady it’s been forever Super Happy to Reconnect ! Punk Globe Rules ok? Now lemme get out the calculator *pause* it’s been 16 years on the Radio sheesh
Punk Globe: I know either during or after the pandemic KVMR went thru some changes. Tell us more about the happenings?
Meri: Yeah that was such a trip potato chip KVMR had to close its doors *as per covid regulations* the majority of the Broadcasters did pre recorded shows from their domiciles, however, I didn’t have the tools so both my shows were re-broadcast. Later in the year the Music Director Sean figured out a plan for new shows by Yours Truly: I would email him the Playlist I wanted then he would text me the Underwriter Announcements then I would go in my bathroom to record on my phone via app the top of the hour, station ID, etc etc then I would text him back my vocals then he stitched it together! I would listen to hear how it sounded which was new and fun but also a fresh new show!
Punk Globe : You have been there for quite a few years. I would think they would have made you General Manager.
Meri: Oh Girl no thank you! I am an Artist so I approach my radio shows as such (also the joy of promoting other Artists) I wouldn’t want to manage anybody. I did do a 3 year stint as a Board Member during kinda dark times all that paperwork committees and motions and rules and blah blah blah so no definitely not just play that Iggy Pop song I’m Bored and there you have it. I’ve actually met a few bourgeois always on a “Board” snobs and it is hilarious I mean really ? Ok whatever do your thing man. Not my cuppa tea!
Punk Globe: You have seen a lot of Dee Jays come and go? Who were some Dee Jays that you really miss?
Meri: Hmmmm I miss a bunch of the younger kids I mentored that got certified and did really creative shows so there’s that and I miss Mikail who we lost last year suddenly.

Punk Globe: Any shout outs for newer Dee Jays to keep an eye on?
Meri: Well I love Miss Jiff Indigenous Peoples Show. Also check out KVMRx on kvmr.org it’s our alternative station with really great programming .
Punk Globe: Tell the readers what you have been doing musically?
Meri: I just started back doing live Theremini shows I sing real loud in my car . We did put out a 45 (thanx to WD) with Myself and Monte Cazazza prior to lockdown so the shows were subsequently canceled. We did “Dueling Theremins” and recorded at Tim Green’s Louder Studios *what a treat* Fight Like A Girl and Killing Time are the songs, guess which one I did? HA!
Punk Globe: Tell us about some of your favorite venues in the area?
Meri: Stardust Station is a vunderbah underground scene . The Nevada Theater is cool and the oldest theater in California *Mark Twain Spoke There* but after seeing the YouTube of Punk Bands playing on BART (so good btw check it out) Go Kids I am at a loss for words. Folks get creative up in the woods I mean you have to so private property shows Rock as well oh love The Miners Foundry too.
Punk Globe: Have you been doing Spoken Word?
Meri: I am the L.A. Writing Group Zoom Salon that brought me alot of fulfillment. I was invited to join this astounding amount of talent (plus Women I Love and Respect in addition to knowing them for decades) it was held weekly if possible or alternate Wednesday Nights once we were all connected via Zoom we got a prompt which basically was a broad idea based on a photograph or business cards etc then a brief outline. We wrote for 20 minutes then rejoined the Group each of Us reading what we had written. The second half prompt was an exercise in go big or go home and what I mean by that is there was a twist of sorts and the story line broached in part one was the written equivalent of a somersault, two high kicks, double dutch jumping rope well you get the idea: we write for 20 minutes then re connect and read to each other. This brought me Life I swear so creative, such wild creativity everyone so very different. Getting positive feedback is never a reason to do anything but Hot damn it sure does feel good when it happens. I am being purposely elusive about the members as I hold this near and dear to my heart! So in the writing and reading chops department I am checking that box.

Punk Globe: Are there a lot of places for Spoken Word?
Meri: I was plugged into the Sacramento Poetry Scene which was fantastic. Those Covid years were really tough on venues . It’s hard to say I am just now dipping my toe into the vast lake of live performances. Will keep Y’all posted!
Punk Globe: Besides your artistic endeavors, how else have you been keeping busy?
Meri: 2022 was my year of health issues so there’s that! I had surgery in April that was a medical necessity then had some complications *scary* whilst healing ok back to the Beginning of Nothingness that is required to heal. You know how hard it is to do nothing? Thank the Stars for streaming services haha
Punk Globe: Any plans for 2023?
Meri: I do have a reading in February at the Erotique Valentines Show. I am excited about having been a regular for this event so I am stoked to get back into it! My radio shows are weekly now (every Sunday) which is alot so can I just say thank you to U Stella KXLU Long Time Radio Goddess for inspiration! Again I feel like I want to get in better shape physically and mentally before making any future bookings.
Punk Globe: Do you have any internet addresses you would like to share with the readers. So they can keep up with you?
Punk Globe: Did you get the chance to see Kelli Giddish’s final episode on Law And Order? It was a tearjerker with Mariska But she is still alive and married her cop partner. Always a chance she will return.
Meri: Oh noooo whenever I hear that theme sound I wish I wrote it and was getting royalties hot damn!
Punk Globe: An oldie but still good Describe yourself in three words?
Meri: Get Shit Done
Punk Globe: Any last words for Punk Globe readers?
Meri: Love You Long Time Ginger and Punk Globe Mucho Gracias and May We Meet Up in 2023 Doing Something Cool Like Shows or Readings!!!
Punk Globe: Thank you Meri