February 2023 | The Bad Ass Judy Cocuzza Drummer For Betty Blowtorch

The Bad Ass Judy Cocuzza Drummer For Betty Blowtorch

Interview by John Wisniewski

This interview is with the killer drummer, the beat behind Betty Blowtorch, Judy Cocuzza.

In this interview Judy speaks about her favorite bands, how the band began, and stories about the band.

Punk Globe:   How long have you been drumming, Judy?

Judy: I have been drumming my whole life.

As a kid I would always be tapping on things, playing Tupperware and pots and pans, tapping on my desks at school. In 4th grade we got to pick up an instrument for band-I walked into the room and the teacher said you are playing the drums! Been playing ever since.

Punk Globe: How did Betty Blowtorch form?

Judy: It’s hard to believe but Betty Blowtorch is celebrating our 25th anniversary in 2023.

Sharon and I were playing in Bobsled and things were winding down. Sharon had been talking to Bianca and they missed playing together. Bianca called Blaire and asked if she wanted to jam. I remember Bianca calling me too. She said do you want to jam and be part of something big! Ha ha she was always so full of enthusiasm and excited about the project. We all jammed and the chemistry was there right from the start.

Punk Globe: any favorite bands, Judy?

Judy: We have seen alot of bands over the years-it’s hard to pinpoint just one! Some of my favorites are-X, L7, Babes in Toyland,

The Runaways, The Cows, Bimbo Toolshed, FYP, The Venomous Pinks, just to name a few.

Punk Globe: What’s it like being in Betty Blowtorch?

Judy: Being in Betty Blowtorch is a privilege.

We have been through so much together, musically and personally. We are family and

I’m really happy we are still able to jam and make music together.

Punk Globe: Is punk still alive for you?

Judy: I think punk covers a wide range of music, feelings and life styles. I feel it takes on different means to each person or band and evolves over time. Yes, it’s still alive and kicking!

Punk Globe: Any stories about being in the band?

Judy: Wow, there are alot of stories-I’m sure some of the classics are well known-Sharon  eating a corn dog-you can see Bianca telling that one on You Tube, it is hilarious, definitely worth watching. Lots of fun touring, Ames Flames driving us through snow storms-and the time we had to drive from playing in Denver to play North by Northwest in Portland the next night! Bianca cooking dinner for us when we toured on the RV. Lots of fun memories and meeting lots of cool bands and people.

Punk Globe: Where did the name Betty Blowtorch come from?

Judy: Bianca thought of the name. We were at rehearsal thinking about names-she said we need to be like one of those WW2 posters- the we can do it lady, something like that- that’s where Betty Blowtorch came from

Punk Globe: Thanks so much for the Interview, Judy