Getting To Know The Talented Mr. Donovon De Necker
Interview By: Ginger Coyote

When I met Donovon on Facebook I confused him with an old pal from San Jose, California …
When I found out he was from South Africa I immediately asked him for an interview to find out more about him.
Punk Globe: It has been interesting getting to know you Donovan. Tell the readers about growing up in South Africa.
DN:It has been great getting to know you too. Surprised you feel I am worthy of an interview. For myself growing up in South Africa involved copious amounts of rock n roll, hanging out with like minded individuals, going to clubs to watch bands, being involved in various band projects. Guess I was your typical punk rock kid like anywhere else in the world that somehow miraculously made it to adulthood.
Punk Globe: Are you still in South Africa?
DN:Yes still living in South Africa
Punk Globe: What motivated you to do your radio show?
DN: A friend and owner of a record label I was on at the time convinced me I have a sexy face for radio. He knew someone who was looking for a DJ that was sold out on punk rock and had a natural ability to connect with folk. So he motivated me by saying I was sexy enough for the role, and would be a great fit, and at great surprise to myself I ended up having a radio show for about 4 years or so.
Punk Globe: I really like that you helped out bands that needed to be heard but did not have the behind them.
DN: Yeah! Thank you. We are a small community, so we need to work together and support each other in whichever way we are able too.
Punk Globe: Was your radio show on college radio or was it an Internet show?
DN: It was an Internet show.
Punk Globe: I know that you interviewed Lisa Monday Gomez from Whatever 68 Radio and Punk Globe. Who else did you showcase on your show?
DN: I am unsure if you would know any of them, and my show transformed beyond punk during the so called covid years to a more interview based medium which included interviewing folk on their story in life from the ordinary man on the street, to the CEO of international corporations. However, keeping it music related, I did interview Gretchen Menn, from the amazing Led Zeppelin cover band Zepparella. Amazing individual both inside and out. Tobin Bawinkel of the punk band, Flatfoot 56 and David Nuttall (Dave the Nut), played drums for The Toy Dolls at a time. I have had the honor to interview many folk over the past 12 years from all walks of life.
Punk Globe: Tell the readers about some of your favorite shows that you put together?
DN: Well my interview with Lisa, Gretchen Menn and David Nuttall were great. Including a guy called Rupak Paul who is an amazing automotive engineer.

Punk Globe: You put your radio show on hiatus? What made you come to that decision?
DN: Other personal health related priorities
Punk Globe: I worked with Nikki Palomino doing a monthly show that we broadcasted on Whatever 68 Radio. It was fun but often if you had a lot of people being interviewed you would lose people.
DN: Yeah that is a hard one, from personal experience my shows in terms of listeners or viewerships was largely determined by who I interviewed and the actual content discussed. Also the slot length of the interview was a factor, too short folk go WTF?!!, too long, and listeners bailed out. Most guys just wanted to rock out to the tunes.
Punk Globe: I admire Lisa so much for starting a station that allows so many people to broadcast shows and showcase underground music. It is like doing Punk Globe. It takes alot of drive to provide that outlet for people on a small income. Do you agree?
DN: Firstly Lisa Rocks, you do too by the way, but yes I agree.
Punk Globe: You recently messaged me about doing interviews for Punk Globe. We would welcome anything that you want to submit.We are always looking for good writers who want to promote music from the scene
DN: Well before we get both too excited lets see where that goes.
Punk Globe: Tell us what bands got you into punk?
DN: Crass, Poison girls….well almost every punk band on the Crass Label or who was connected to them in some shape or form.
Punk Globe: You have another fascinating hobby and that is vintage cars. Tell us how that started?
DN: My dad was a motoring enthusiast, and thereby we were always surrounded by cars, so it was only natural that I would pick up on it too and follow in his footsteps so to speak. So as far back as I can remember I have always loved cars, but particularly the vintage, classics and hotrods. I love some American Muscle cars too. Keeps me poor and at
Punk Globe: What are some of your favorite vintage Auto’s
DN: Well I love American and British muscle cars in particular, I own a 2007 Jaguar XJR, doubt one will call that vintage but it’s certainly becoming a classic.
Punk Globe: Do you attend a lot of vintage car shows ? Which ones do you recommend ?
DN: Yes I do, I belong to two different car clubs in my town where I regularly get involved in the events they organise. Being a car guy I recommend them all..haha.
Punk Globe: Describe yourself in three words?
DN: Down to earth.
Punk Globe: What is on the horizon for you in 2023? People have urged you to start doing your radio show. Do you think that might happen?
DN: Well I hope to record and release new music this year. The older I get, the more I enjoy just chilling some nights and watching a TV series. Talking series, it was nice saying hello to Pauley Perrette through you, I thoroughly enjoyed her performance on NCIS. I enjoy connecting with folk, so thanks Ginger for that introduction, she seems like a super cool individual
Punk Globe: Do you have any Internet addresses you would like to share with the readers ?
DN: Well if they want they can friend me on Facebook, I am pretty active there. Just fair warning, I post a lot of car content too.
Punk Globe: Any last words for Punk Globe readers?
DN: Well Just thanks to you for the opportunity, I am no one famous, just an ordinary bloke who loves the music and the bands that make up the punk rock community.To the Punk Globe readers I hope I have not bored you or put you to sleep. Be blessed, wish Punk Globe and its readers the best, much love.