February 2023 | Billy Hopeless: The Black Halo’s Sex God Confesses All

Billy Hopeless: The Black Halo's Sex God Confesses All

Interview by GINGER COYOTE

Bill Hopless

Billy ​and I have been pals for quite some time. I interviewed him a few years back. I decided the time was right for another interview with the ever hawt Billy Hopeless… 

Punk Globe: It has been awhile. Thanks for doing the interview. The Black Halo’s are back and bad-ass . Tell us who is in the band and what they play. I know Jay is back and we follow each other on Social Media.

BH :  Well what can I say but it’s the best most DTKLAMFFTS line up ever . Me  brudder ,cofounding member ,best songwriting partner ,incredible artist and guitarist and partner in crime  Mr Rich Jones is back along with me, another original brudder ,amazing  guitarist ,the heart of the band ,buy him a beer sometime ,goodtime Jay Millette . then we got Canadian legend and the most incredible bass player to stalk the stage Mr. John Kerns on Bass and delivering the beats like Chuck Biscuits bastard brudder the beast from the east Mr Danni Accion on drums !

 Punk Globe: Your latest release ‘How The Darkness Doubled’ has been getting rave reviews. Tell us how it all came together?

BH : I recorded a solo song for a split 7 inch and asked Richy to play on it which he did , this led to an offer for a Spanish tour and when i talked to Rich about it he said well if we’re going to do it we might as well call it the Halos ,  we recorded a 7 inch and decided since we were obviously working at full force again to try and start writing an album  while on tour in Spain .We went and had a blast got fucked up but didn’t write anything so when we got home and sobered up we got to work on the Album which were pleased to say has been a great success . nothing like a good Spanish bender to get the old steam engine fired up for a great Canadian train wreck I tell ya !

Punk Globe: What prompted you to reform The Black Halos?  

BH : The People I guess missed us and it went from “oh it’s those assholes again .”  To “Oh it’s those assholes again !”

Punk Globe:  I know that you played shows with L7. Were you happy with the shows?

BH : We became family on tour with them back in the day and the bond is eternal so it’s always the greatest of pleasures to reunite with our wicked sisters !

BH : It’s all a Drunken Blur filled with so many insane room-spinning  legendary nights If you were there I’m sure your liver quivers and yearns for another round like that dirty shameful secret that you still look back on and smile thinking no matter how i scrub i can’t wash my sins away but man wasn’t it great 

Punk Globe:  Were you active during the pandemic? I know the band just got back together 

 BH : yeah it was kind of a blessing in a curse as it gave me and Rich time to write and craft our songs as well as throw away the good shots  and only pick out the top shelf hits 

Punk Globe: I know that The Black Halo’s have a huge following all over the world.  Do you have any tour plans?

BH : Yeah we’re working on it , iI know Europe is in the talks right now and were headed out real quick t do some Vantario Canadian dates 

february 2023 bill hopeless

Punk Globe: I remember seeing The Black Halo’s at Al’s Bar then the next day running into you at Hollywood and Highland that was a great meeting of the minds. Do you remember that?

BH : Yes mam Al’s bar was the best and Toast who booked it was the best , pretty cool to play where the Misfits evil Live was recorded as well as many other legendary gigs . Hollywood and Highland yeah that sounds like a perfect corner .

Punk Globe: If memory serves me right, we met in Vancouver on one of White Trash Debutantes first trips to Vancouver.  Both of our bands were on the Johnny Thunders tribute compilation out of Spain.  That was a fun release.

BH: Yea you were playing the Lux Theater with the Forgotten Rebels , I’ve never seen or heard of this Johnny thunders tribute now I must find it !!!

Punk Globe:  We also have Johnny Stewart in common. Do you ever hear from him? He was a  very fun boy.

BH : Yeah Johnny was alright. I hear from him every now and then , I always laugh at how I could get his goat by ordering a veggie burger with bacon and cheese or defending my right to trans fats . We had some great times on tour though .

Punk Globe: I also remember Marc and Ligaya filming you at a Hair Salon for my Documentary that One Finger Films are filming about me. Was that your Salon?

BH: No, that was the East Vanity parlor. A great bunch gotta love a hair salon full of punk chicks  with a framed colonel Sanders oil painting on the wall .  wait this is starting to feel like I should be interviewing you . 

Punk Globe: Sadly, Covid stalled the Documentary, there was no more travel from Canada into America than the mishaps that followed but we all hope we can get the project completed. By the way, your interview was funny. Thank you for being involved.

BH: No prob. Now Ginger tell us who you are currently interviewing and what you are talking to them about ?

Punk Globe:  Billy,  Do you have any plans for the New Year 2023 for The Black Halos?

BH: Yeah Touring ,  writing more songs so we can once again put out an incredible all killer no filler album as this last ones going to be a hard one to top 

Punk Globe: Do you have any Internet Addresses you would like to share for the readers to be up to date with you and the band?

BH: we got the Instagram the Band camp and you really should come on our Facebook ! Plus were currently  signed to Stomp records so check em out  totally solid label 

Punk Globe: Describe yourself in 3 words? 

BH: Well Richy one gave me this title so i’ll say Clown Prince of Punk 

Punk Globe: Any last words for Punk Globe readers?

BH: Thank you. I love you goodnight. I should also mention that in the early New year I’ll be on a solo duet single with  my sweet Suzi Moon that’s coming out on  Yeahright! Records 

bill hopeless
bill hopeless