Kick Down The Doors PR’S Own ……. Paul Andrew Bedford
Interview By: Ginger Coyote

Paul just started Kick Down The Doors PR a mere three years ago and quite a stable of Artists on his resume. I got a chance to ask him a few questions.
Please enjoy my interview with Paul Andrew Bedford.
Punk Globe: Thank you for the interview Paul You are the CEO of Kick Down The Doors PR how long has the company existed?
Paul: My pleasure Ginger, thanks for your interest. I created Kick Down the Doors PR 3 years ago, almost to the day!
Punk Globe: Your clients are quite impressive The Buzzcocks, The Duel, and The Soap Girls to name a few who else do you work with?
Paul: Yes like Andy Blade (Eater) once said ‘Paul deals with some of the coolest artists out there. Like attracts like.’ He said it not me! Ha! I have been lucky enough to work with some amazingly talented bands, and I see no reason why some can’t break through… JoJo & the Teeth, Ed Bennett, Tizane to name just three. I’m currently working on John E Vistic’s new EP ‘Humanz Are Bastardz – An excellent interview with John by the lovely Lisa is in the current issue of Punk Globe. I’m also working on Stiff Little Fingers drummer Steve Grantley’s new band ‘Steve Grantley & the Zed Hedz’ debut EP release, ‘Poison Ivy Where Did You Go?’ an excellent tribute to the legendary Cramps guitarist. I just finished working with an Electronic Pop band from Vienna called ‘Lucy Dreams’ who had some Uk shows and a new single that I promoted, branching out!
Punk Globe you told me that you have been in London for 8 years. Was it in London you started Kick Down The Doors?
Paul: Yes, well I live in greater London, Beckenham, the place where Bowie/Ronson created Ziggy and did their first gig as Ziggy…I believe.
Punk Globe: Give us a rundown of where you were born and how you ended up in London.
Paul: Oh blimey….Born in Batley, a very working class town in West Yorkshire, England. I had always had an affinity to London due to me being a huge fan of the Sex Pistols etc. A few of my friends lived and worked here 15/20 years ago, and I used to come down for the odd weekend and go to gigs with them. They’ve all moved back up to the north now and are living like kings due to the property prices! I did it the other way…. It’s a long story…cut short I was offered a job to work for London Live TV, and I never looked back.
Punk Globe: Did you ever live in America?
Paul: No but I have been lucky enough to have visited Los Angeles/Las Vegas a couple of times (Got to hang out with various Sex Pistols/Cult members) and I visited New York a few years back. I would love to live in LA, but I hear it’s gone downhill now, and a lot are trying to get out? Probably like most places…. When I do return, I’ll be on at you and Lisa to meet up to show me the sights! On another note what’s with the salad bowls served at the Rainbow!!? It’s a whole iceberg lettuce per person!

Punk Globe: Who else is involved with Kick Down The Doors PR?
Paul: Me, myself and I
Punk Globe: You should hire Lisa Punkr Princess as your American Representative
Paul: She’s great, her radio show and her interviews, she’s been very supportive. She is very much appreciated. Say hi.
Punk Globe: Are you courting any new bands to work with you?
Paul: Always looking out for new exciting bands/artists to work with, there’s a few in the pipeline for early next year. Plus another ‘Lucy Dreams’ (The band from Vienna) tour to promote next year. I really can’t wait to hear the new stuff from JoJo & the Teeth. Plus next year there will be new music from Buzzcocks! I hope to be involved again, had a great time working direct with Mr Diggle promoting the single ‘Manchester Rain’ & album ‘Sonics In the Soul’
Punk Globe: You mentioned your wife is your Webmistress for your website. That is very impressive
Paul: Haha it’s more like I go ‘HELP!!!’ ‘How do I do this!?’ ‘Why isn’t this working!?’. I now send her the content when the website needs updating and she sorts it, she’s better at it, and quicker than me. It’s not a regular thing, she has a day job and her own fashion brand so is very busy, if i may plug her brand (Very good for the ladies) On an interesting side note my wife also updates the author Nina Antonia’s website (Johnny Thunders In Cold Blood)
Punk Globe: Tell us all about Foxy Radio and what is your involvement with it?
Paul: Foxy Radio is great, with a little tweaking it could be on mainstream radio imo. I was a fan before I got involved, I book most of the guests, and I’m basically a content producer. I come up with ideas, help Foxy with song selection, research, themes for shows, whether a guest warrants a full show or half etc . I also help him with online promotion. I recently put him in touch with Rock Radio UK, so now the show has a wider audience. It now goes out on Deal Radio & Rock Radio UK & then Mixcloud after that.
One thing I really am proud of is that I have brought in a real mix bag of guests from Carry-on actress Carol Hawkins to author Ken Follett, Roman Jugg (Who very rarely does interviews) Footballer Lee Sharpe, to Tony Fox Sales, not forgetting Bridget Powerz! It was taking ages to secure Bridget, so in the end I just voice-called her on FB, and had a great chat with her. She’s cool, she came across really well in her interview. Alice Bag was in the bag too recently, but it’s gone quiet. Ginger, can you ask her to get back to me and tell her how great your interview was? 🙂 I am really looking forward to hearing your show! What a story you have!
Punk Globe: Alice is in Mexico City at the moment. I was a recent guest on the show it was quite fun.
Paul: I know that was me again! Ha! I kind of know who would make a good guest, I can’t believe I didn’t think of you earlier! Looking forward to hearing it

Punk Globe: Who are some of the other guests that have done the radio show?
Paul: Oh I mentioned many in the previous question, let me name drop just some of who I have booked – Mick Rossi/Howard Bates/Brian Grantham (Slaughter & the Dogs), Monty Oxy Moron (The Damned) Paul Myers (The Professionals, Subway Sect) Dave Ruffy & Segs (The Ruts/Ruts DC) Chris Musto (Glen Matlock, Johnny Thunders) & Alison Gordy (Sylvain Sylvain, Johnny Thunders) Mike Dimkich (The Cult, Bad Religion, Steve Jones band) Dave Tregunna (Sham 69, Lords of the New Church) Tara Rez (The Duel, Radio Presenter) Danny McCormack (Wildhearts, Yo Yo’s, Main Grains), Paloma McLardy aka Palmolive (Ex The Slits & The Raincoats drummer) & Zoë Howe (Internationally published author, broadcaster, musician and visual artist), Lu Edmunds (PIL, The Damned, The Mekons), Steve English (Minder for the Sex Pistols/Professionals/Blondie etc), Lora Logic (X Ray Spex & Raincoats), Charlie Mullins (Founder of Pimlico Plumbing), Edweena Garrity (Ed Banger & the Nosebleeds/Slaughter & the Dogs) Jim Jones, Dave ‘Robbo’ Robinson (Legendary Stiff Records boss) Clem Burke (Blondie/Chequered Past)
Punk Globe: What does the future hold for you and Kick Down The Doors hold?
Paul: Gawd knows… I have a dream…I would love to have opened a door (Kicked) somewhere that results in a band being signed to a label or a big booking agent like AEG/DHP Family etc (Doors already have been opened with these two agencies) I would be very proud to see a band I have represented go on to be professional musicians, and have many successes in the industry. It really is all about the bands, I have a burning desire to succeed, I am competitive, and driven, and really do want to make a difference.
Kudos don’t pay the bills…but it helps!

Punk Globe: Do you have any Internet addresses you want to share with readers?
Punk Globe: Describe yourself in 3 words.
Paul: Tenacious/Honest/Survivor
Punk Globe: Any last words words for Punk Globe readers?
Paul: I hope they’re not my last words! Well Christmas is around the corner, so have a great end to your year and a fab Xmas. Always try to be better, never stop learning, and show love, fight the anger (Or unleash the anger on a footy field instead haha) It really does take a bigger man to walk away from a fight…