Chelsea Rose: The Real Deal
Interview By: Patricia Rodriguez

Powerhouse vocalist and dynamic front person Chelsea Rose has been an integral part of the San Francisco punk music scene since her first professional gig at the El Rio as a back up vocalist with Ginger Coyote’s White Trash Debutantes in 1993.
Born in Red Bank, New Jersey, the daughter of a session drummer, Chelsea formed her first band in 1985. She traveled a long musical road prior to becoming the current lead singer of two successful San Francisco bands – BITE and Class of ‘77.
“Once I step foot on that stage, I’m totally in my element. My lyrics are my instrument” ~ Chelsea Rose
Chelsea started BITE in 1997 and is the only original member left. Her husband Keith has been in the band since 6 months into its inception. In 2002, they went on an extended break for 4 years then revived BITE at the end of 2006. Chelsea also rejoined Ginger’s White Trash Debutantes in 2007.
In April of 2008, Chelsea changed her life. With support from her friends and bandmates, Chelsea entered recovery and has been clean and sober ever since.
Along the way, Chelsea made a few appearances with the Slapmatics, a Plasmatics tribute band, portraying Wendy O. Williams. In the name of authenticity, Chelsea even learned to effectively handle a chainsaw.
“The Ramones, Patti Smith, Blondie – that’s my trifecta” ~Chelsea Rose

Since then, Chelsea has also entered the unplugged circuit performing acoustically with her husband Keith on guitar and drummer Ian from Class of ‘77 at various events.
“I enjoy it because it gives people a chance to really hear my lyrics more clearly” ~ Chelsea Rose
“There’s not too many tributes to a year so I started Class of ‘77 because I wanted to play all those great songs like No Feelings and Pump it Up. I’m good at song selection and at putting talented people together.” ~ Chelsea Rose

Chelsea Rose’s Lucky 13
Punk Globe: When did you first start performing?
Chelsea: I sang in the chorus, played violin in the school orchestra, and played piano at recitals and hotels as a child. Later, in 1993, I started singing professionally with Ginger Coyote’s White Trash Debutantes.
Punk Globe: What or who inspires you?
Chelsea: I am inspired by passionate and soulful music as well as recorded and live performances.
Punk Globe: What do you feel are your greatest strengths as a front person?
Chelsea: Authenticity and connecting with my audience and my love of singing and performing,
Punk Globe: How has being clean & sober impacted your musical path?
Chelsea: My performances are no longer hit or miss. I found I don’t need substances to write or perform. I appreciate everything musical more being clear-headed.
Punk Globe: Besides music, what are you passionate about?
Chelsea: Social justice, animals, friendship.
Punk Globe: What special challenges do you face as a woman in music?
Chelsea: Oftentimes at shows I am the only woman performing. There is still misogyny in the music business.
Punk Globe: If you could collaborate with another musician, who would it be?
Chelsea: Debbie Harry
Punk Globe: What has been your favorite venue to perform at so far?
Chelsea: The Warfield in San Francisco playing with The White Trash Debutantes opening for Faith No More.
Punk Globe: How do BITE audiences differ from Class of 77 audiences?
Chelsea: Class Of ’77 audiences know the old punk songs and sing along to most of them. BITE has been able to play to hardcore audiences even though we don’t play hardcore because our energy is so high.
Punk Globe: Have you ever performed for someone you deeply admired?
Chelsea : BITE did a show with Jane Weidlin from The Go Go’s. She was watching us and loved it!
Punk Globe: What other projects are you currently involved in?
Chelsea: Unplugged acoustic shows as a duo or trio with various musicians, being invited to guest sing with other bands, and collaborating with other artists.
Punk Globe: If you could be any animal, what kind would you be & why?
Chelsea: A dog so I could hang out with my dog Penny Lane.
Punk Globe: If your dog friend Penny Lane was able to speak with you, what would you two talk about?
Chelsea: What a great friendship we have, how grateful I am for it and saying “Let’s go on an adventure!”