August 2024 – How We Love Khaos At The White Trash Debutantes Shows 

How We Love Khaos At The White Trash Debutantes Shows

Interview By: Ginger Coyote

The immortal Khaos

I first met Khaos a few years back when The White Trash Debutantes joined JP5 on some wild, fun shows in Vancouver and Victoria. Not only did Khaos book some of the shows but she and her husband joined The Debutantes making the shows really RAWK.

Since then they both have played more shows with The White Trash Debutantes. They are coming down to The Bay Area to play the shows with MDC…


Punk Globe: Thanks for the interview Khaos from what I have seen, you and Mike have been plenty busy playing with bands and recording. Please, we need all the details of your wild adventures.

Khaos: Thanks Ginger!  It’s always great to talk with you!

I’d say the most exciting news by far is that we are flying to San Francisco to reunite with The White Trash Debutantes for the two shows with MDC this November. I am already packing, I’m so excited! We are honoured to be sharing the stage with The Debutantes again.

It’s always an incredible time when we all get together, and you never know what’s going to happen. Even when I had to miss a show while waiting for my immigration to finalize I had a fun time! Mike went down for the show and later I got some hilarious snaps in my inbox. I laughed so hard when I saw the pictures of you, Gerry-Jenn Wilson (RIP) and the Fabulous Ms. Ligaya with a blow-up doll standing in for me! It still puts a smile on my face when I think about it or when the picture pops up in a memory.

Mike and I have been keeping pretty busy these days. One of our projects, The Defibrillators, is a fun rock n roll cover band that we play in. We take songs from the 60’s through the music of today and inject them with a heavy dose of hard rock/punk. Mike plays guitar and I’m playing bass. Irene Orallo, Queen of Scream vocalist from from Sinmobile, Mike Soper (guitarist), and Kody Raymond (drums), also from Simobile, form the rest of the band.

We also started playing in an instrumental surf band called The Skookumchuck Wipeouts, which is a total departure for us both, but it’s also a lot of fun. Mike is playing leads on this one. I’m playing the bass, Thorsten Abel of abel collective and Hip Young Things plays guitar and keyboard, and Paul DeLeo on drums. We played our first show last weekend at Turbofest and it was a blast!

Another fun project that we’ve been focusing on has been recording a couple of new tracks for Dirty + the Derelicts. I worked with Mike as a sound engineer for the recording so he could pull double duty and play with the band. After a great weekend of recording, midnight vocals and catching up we are now in the final mixing stages. It’s been a lot of fun because we haven’t recorded with them since the 2007 album, Satan’s Seed. I was a sound engineer/producer on that project as well so I was pretty excited that I got another chance to work with them. It was also great having everyone together again! Derek (Dirty) lead vocals & guitar, Mike (Red McLeod) guitar & vocals, Mike (Greasy) Salisbury on bass & vocals, Kody Raymond from Sinmobile on drums and me, (Khaos) on backing vocals. It’s really good trashy fucking punk! They really know how to get a party started and hopefully we will get together again sooner than later to make some more kick-ass music!

Dirty + the Derelicts

Punk Globe: Tell us do you miss the music scene in Vancouver?

Khaos: Oh hell ya I do! It’s a completely different scene here in our sleepy little town. We’ve been pretty lucky though, our local Legions and brew pubs have been pretty great in recent years in supporting live music. We are a ferry ride away from Vancouver so a lot of our music is local, but we do manage to get some pretty rad bands to come up, DOA being one of them.

Punk Globe: Give us the latest update on the Warrior Princess Wendy Thirteen She was back at work with hardly any healing time

Khaos: She’s tough as nails, that’s for sure. She is an absolute gem and I really miss getting together with her.  Last time I checked in with her she mentioned that she “had door gal shifted into looking like a UFC fighter.” She also had this to say when I asked her if she had anything to share, “Still alive. Still work the odd door gal gig. Still fighting the CRA trying to prove a cash based live music economy exists. I’m in the judicial review phase of “fuck you i qualified for CERB because you shut my industry down”… it’s fucking exasperating.”

Punk Globe: Tell the readers about the Turbofest?

Khaos: Turbofest is our DIY underground music and comedy festival that we helped start 2 years ago. It started with Jake Warren and Kevin von Helvete, along with our Sunshine Coast, BC Turbojugend chapter coming on board to help put it all together.

The first year was really fun and fairly well attended. Afterwards, we decided that maybe it could become an annual event. It took a lot of work but this year was a huge success with lots of people traveling to the coast to attend. We had great bands, comedians, and vendors. We even had Neil E. Dee’s Danger Thrill Show. A fucking sideshow! It was fucking epic!

Neil E. Dee’s Danger Thrill Show

Punk Globe: When did you get into Turbo Negro?

Khaos: I have listened to them for quite some time but I had never seen them live until Punk Rock Bowling 2015. They absolutely blew me away with their live show. Their music is a lot of fun and full of energy. In my opinion, they are some of the most underrated musicians I’ve heard. And then you have the fans, the Turbojugend. That was an experience all on its own. There were hundreds of people from all walks of life, not to mention, from all over the world, wearing the matching denim jackets that they are known for. I met quite a few of them and they were a blast to hang out with. They know how to party. Honestly, I had never experienced anything like it. We ended up creating our own chapter that has been running since 2018.

Punk Globe: Years ago we played with Turbo Negro in Portland and their driver/teeshirt maker Smelly told me that they thought we were wild which makes me so happy What a compliment they thought we were wild. My dear friend the late Tony Slug who was very close with them relayed a rad message from them also.

Khaos: I would not expect anything less from WTD.  It is always rad to leave a lasting impression.

Punk Globe: I saw them at Punk Rock Bowling and had fun reminiscing with them about that fun night.

Khaos: Punk Rock Bowling is always  so much fun. You never know who you are gonna meet there. The first time we met you at PRB,  I met the Goddess Maria who ended up being my bestie there. Whenever I see that scene from ‘Scary Movie’ which features Maria The Maid, who by the way stole that film from Simon Rex, it reminds me of the Maria I met at PRB. She was an absolute sweetheart.

Ginger and the fabulous Khaos
Turbojugend Sunshine Coast, BC & Friends 2024

Punk Globe: When we play the show at The Bottom Of The Hill both Erica from MDC and Christa DiBaise from Mushroom Juice played in their fantastic band Turba Negra. White Trash Debutantes played a lot with them. So you will have to shoot the shit with them.

Khaos: That’s awesome. I love the name! It will be great to finally meet them. I remember that Christa helped us with that Bottom Of The Hill show.

One of our bands, The Defibrillators, plays a lot of Turbonegro covers. It’s fun music to play. It’s super complex and you never know what you’ll get but that’s what makes it fun.

Punk Globe: I must thank you for your observant eyes and for letting me know about the Southwest Airlines ticket sales. It was so appreciated for the shows in November.

Khaos: You’re welcome! I was sitting in the Las Vegas airport when it came up on my phone. We managed to get great prices to fly down for the shows in November. I knew you would be flying too and that we had to jump on it straight away. The best part is…2 free bags! 

Punk Globe: So true, Southwest is still having a sale but I know that you and Mike got much better fares,  My round-trip ticket was so cheap. Now can we count on some wild hair colors from you and Mike? You have played at The Bottom Of The Hill.  I introduced you to Billy Gould of Faith No More there.

Khaos: I will have some wild colours in my hair. I still need to spin the wheel to decide which ones. As for Mike, I might have to talk him into it. 

I really liked The Bottom Of The Hill. Nice sound system. Billy was really cool. We also got to meet Mike Patton when we played at the Warfield with Faith No More in 2010.  He mentioned that he was nervous because his parents were in the audience, which I thought was pretty rad. We also talked about hockey. He was a San Jose Sharks fan. Go Vancouver! Haha!

Chelsea Rose, Mike Patton(FNM) and Khaos
Lynne, Chelsea, and the fabulous Khaos
Maria, whenever she knows Khaos is in town

Punk Globe: Any Internet Addresses you want to share with the readers?

Khaos:You can find me on Facebook and Instagram. Also, our music Dirty and the Derelicts is on Amazon and Spotify, Apple YouTube, and most streaming sites.

Punk Globe: Describe yourself in three words

Khaos: I am Khaos…does that count? 

Punk Globe: Any last words for Punk Globe readers? It is our 47th Anniversary issue.

Khaos: 47 Years! Yee Haw! We will fucking celebrate with some killer shows in November! Let’s get this party started! It’s time to RAWK! Love you Ginger!

Ginger and Karla at The Bottom Of The Hill