Filmmaker Debra Knox And Her Hit Film “Hearing Voices”
Interview By: Ginger Coyote

I got the chance to speak with Debra Knox about her informative and fun film ‘Hearing Voices’.
The film is a Dark Comedy dealing with the main character who suffers from being schizophrenic.
Punk Globe: Sorry I was unable to get to the showing of your film ‘Hearing Voices’ here in Los Angeles but health issues got in my way. It appears the film is getting a great reception from all over the world.
Debra: Thank you Ginger and hope you’re feeling better! Yes, I am honored and awed the film has won 17 international film festivals, including at Cannes as a special event with 8 and Halfilm Festival, New York, Paris, Milan, Hollywood, Montreal, San Francisco, and Florence, and has screened in San Francisco and Los Angelos.”
Punk Globe: It is great that you are focusing on mental health with a sense of humor I enjoyed your name Marie Callender Can you give the readers a rundown about the subject matter of Hearing Voices?
Debra: The film is about a schizophrenic woman battling the destructive voices that seek to dominate and destroy her as she strives to find love and acceptance in a crumbling inner world.”
Punk Globe: Tell us about how you came up with the subject of schizophrenia for your killer film ‘Hearing Voices.’ I was close with Danielle Steel’s son Nick Traina who dealt with being bipolar. the early morning phone calls and wanting to prove himself. I know Storm Large had a mom who was Schizophrenic she wrote a book about it.
Debra: I have never met Storm but am a fan. Sorry to hear about her mother’s struggles. I have dealt with depression most of my life, and being a writer I decided to pen a dark script about a woman on the edge in the hopes of shedding some understanding for families and the public who may know of someone with mental illness.
Punk Globe: Was it hard getting financial backing for the film?
Debra: I didn’t have any backing. I filmed, directed, produced, and edited it myself using my own resources.

Punk Globe: Who is in the film? Are the actors all from the Bay Area?
Debra: I asked my tried and true actor friends to join me, Don Sputnik Juelich as Warren, Kari Wishingrad as Dr. Rhonda, Steve McCoy as Bruce, Barbara Giberti as The Psychic, as well as including a new come newer, Sue Rarick Ebel as Becky.
Punk Globe; I am so happy you made this film because it is educational about mental health. After Nicky passed Danielle wrote her first non-fiction book ‘His Bright Life’ I wrote a chapter for it. It really made me aware of how it affects the person and their family and friends. Have people praised you for this also?
Debra:Wow Danielle Steel’s son was bi polar I must read her book. When I released the film I wasn’t sure if people would get it, as it’s told entirely from Marie Calendar’s distorted view, but the long list of awards and recognition has shown me that more people, especially artists, suffer with and know the depths of depression then perhaps let on.
Punk Globe: How long did it take to complete?
Debra: We shot the film in 6 months and post-production took a year and a half.
Punk Globe: I enjoyed the music you chose for the film. Did you work with a music coordinator?
Debra: Being a musician I used some of my music and as well as played the classical piano pieces. I designed the music and sound for the film myself.
Punk Globe: Have you found a Distribution Company?
Debra: No, not sure how to go about this. I think the age-old story for most artists is, “What do I do? You have to just keep going and as this Stoic quote says, Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
Punk Globe: Tell us what is in store for ‘Hearing Voices’ in the future.
Debra: I’m looking at Halloween Festivals and also to do a Bay Area Screening for my new film How Awful About Kevin paired with Hearing Voices in a theater in October.
Punk Globe: You are quite the video queen tell the readers some of the videos you appeared in .
Debra: My own comedy videos about the music store I work in as well as acting roles I’ve done in shorts and features are in festivals and online.
Punk Globe: I enjoyed the Ricky Nowles video you posted. I knew him when he played with Naomi Ruth Eisenberg before he started working with Stevie Nicks wow a small world .
Debra: You know Rick that is so cool. That video hadn’t been seen since 1983 on MTV Basement Tapes. My sister Jo Ann Knox produced it and she found a copy on film, she transferred it and I sent it to Rick and he graciously allowed me to share it. It has a host of local rockers from the ’80s including Marty Balin, Susie Davis, The Stench Brothers, and Miles Corbin.”

Punk Globe: Do you have any Internet addresses you want to share with the readers?
Debra: “Debra Knox Youtube.”
Punk Globe: Describe yourself in three words.
Debra: Anxious. Creative. Determined.
Punk Globe: Any last words for Punk Globe readers?
Debra: This may sound trite but life is short. Keep working on staying in the moment and find happiness in the little everyday things because really that’s all we got.”