April 2025 – THIS IS PUNK ROCK With Your Host ANI KYD WOLF


With Your Host ANI KYD WOLF


This series is a fun video interview show with various artists, musicians, authors, and influencers of the punk rock world. 

We talk about how punk influenced them and what the word PUNK means to them. The videos are launched every Monday on the Punk Globe YouTube channel.

Subscribe now so that you don’t miss out on future cool interviews.

In these dark times, it is really important to shed light and bring focus to art. Music, books, paintings, they are all so important to give us an escape, but also hope for the future.

I created this series for Ginger coyote and her amazing independent magazine to showcase some amazing artists. 

Punk is a movement, not just a music. I wanted to dive into what punk is and how it’s affected and influenced some of the people that influenced us.

GINGER COYOTE (needs no introduction!)

Interview online now!

Our Punk Globe punk rock Queen tells us some fun Hollywood punk rock dirt!

Stories about her Robert Plant experience and more!

DOMINIC DAVI ( founder of the band TSUNAMI BOMB)

Interview online now!

Dominic talks about how Ginger Coyote influenced him and more

CHRIS WALTER – (Indie author of over 35 punk books) Interview online now!

Ani visits Chris at his home, and we get a tour of his in-house art gallery.

RALPH SPIGHT ( founding member of VICTIMS FAMILY and guitarist for JELLO BIAFRA AND GSM)

interview online now!

Ralph and Ani talk about music, sobriety, and More.

ART BERGMANN – (Canadian award-winning musician)

Interview online now!

I sit down with Art Bergmann in his home in East Vancouver. We chat, and he plays us a couple of songs on his acoustic guitar.

STEPHEN HAMM – (The Theremin Man and bass player for Vancouver Punk bands since the 1980’s)

Interview online now!

Stephen joins us in the Sugar Skull Films studio. He plays a couple of songs and chats about his awesome punk rock history.

More cool interviews have been booked for upcoming episodes! 

Donita Sparks (L7), Jayne County, Tara Rez, Zillah Minx (Rubella – Ballet),  Sid Strangelove (X Ray Specs), Danielle Stampe ( Slymenstra Hymen), Al Jourgensen, Bif Naked, John Russo ( Night of the Living Dead) and MORE! 

New episodes every Monday!