Reviews By: Christeen Aebi

“I Should Have Been Dead Years Ago: The Raw Life of Stuart Gray”
As the cliché goes, if you can remember the 1980s and ’90s, you weren’t there. I was pretty much in one locus or another on the left and right coasts and was privy to the birth and heyday of several bands now deemed “seminal” in those scenes and around the world. But even steeped in the bounty of a burgeoning and totally D.I.Y. underground, certain arrows were bound to whizz right past my head as they pierced another rock’n’roll heart.
For me, Lubricated Goat and the other musical manifestations of Stu Spasm né Stuart Gray comprise one of those near misses. Lubricated Goat was in the record stacks of many of my friends, and the cover art was a little more scary and off-putting for me than I admitted to myself at the time. And the music, well … It’s not for the faint of heart. A “hardcore” chick like me was loath to admit that some records and artists just freaked me out. I loved flailing around, and the physicality was a visceral part of the appeal. But sometimes, without warning, a musical onslaught was so totally tactile that it made me back off to catch my breath. Lubricated Goat was one of those bands I “heard” but never actually listened to.

Magic Umbrella comes with another fine documentary feature to help fill in the blanks for me regarding Stu Spasm and Lubricated Goat and his 23 other known bands. Director Jason Summers and producer Kate Fix not only present Stu’s story in his own words and through his music and artworks, but they lay out an incredibly complex through-line and musical family tree from the nether regions of the wilder side of the Australian rock scene, to the Space Needle and dope needles of the ’90s *grunge* scene. (As it turns out, ’twas an Aussie band, Salamander Jim, that may have been the first to earn the “grunge” moniker, back in 1983.) I had gotten back to the PNW in the early ’90s but somehow missed the entire part of the Adelaide scene cross-pollinating Seattle from way down yonder in Portland up until now.
The highlights on the Down Under side include “Australia’s First Nude TV Rock Band” on the Blah Blah Blah variety show in 1988, wherein a naked Lubricated Goat performed their song “In the Raw.” Stu recalls, “It was primal, but not cock rock,” in his usual dry manner. “Not sexy at all — more like medical.”
Stu is a self-proclaimed autodidact whose life and learning experiences range from a starting point of his father’s being *stuck* mentally in World War Two, to which he constantly compared young Stu’s “easy” life. Dad is a rigorously trained jazz standup bassist, and it would seem his son picked up a great deal of intricate musical knowledge by osmosis. Stu also has a strong affinity for classic occultism and 20th-century avant-garde and surrealist movements. His sculptures are bona fide outsider art in which he creates likenesses of musicians, artists, family, friends (including the images of both the director and the producer of the film), terrorists, and himself.
I have watched “I Should Have Been Dead Years Ago” twice now, and there’s still more I want to go back and study, as far as the history and influences exchanged so well, back in a time where you had to do it in the real world, where nothing was instantaneous, but
also had to be grown from scratch. Little weird scenes of 30 or 40 people, in little fucked-up towns well off the beaten path on a continent halfway around the world — or in what was once the far reaches of the little-known Pacific Northwest — got hold of holy grail records risen from the ruins of the Bowery or the silver lamé swagger of the psychobilly squall … Those days of piratical spelunking for the next song, the next gig, the next session – all that was done *by hand,* and out of sheer fucking determination. There is something essentially pure to me, still, about those days of discovery and obsession and, yes, addiction in so many cases. The narrative arc of Stuart Gray’s life and career (I imagine him scoffing at the latter word) flows from WWII Britain to the white migration to Australia, from Aleister Crowley to Alfred Jarry, Slade to the Butthole Surfers. And all in an analog world, baby. A vision cobbled together by hand, from scratch, like Stu’s sculptures.
Best part is that it’s a happily-ever-after story. Stuart Gray has lived a monumentally prolific life, and this film from Magic Umbrella honors his legacy as the man sets the record straight for himself. The amazing and exhaustive credits roll serves as a suitable syllabus of the diverse influences and fellow creators that have fed his visions, and is also a testament to the integrity of the filmmakers, and to the attention to detail that is a feature of Jason Summers and Kate Fix’s films. The title song is a lovely crooner with a special touch. I’ll leave it for you to see for yourself. Stu’s got one helluva pretty singing voice, as it turns out. And he’s got one helluva story. So very glad he’s lived to tell.

“20 Years in the Crypt: Embedded On Tour with Dead Moon”
Lo, around about the turn of the century right when the world was starting to churn from the effects of 9/11 back in 2001, Jason Summers and Kate Fix embarked upon their journey of documenting Dead Moon on European and American tours. They came away with 180 hours of footage from which they culled “Unknown Passage – The Dead Moon Story.” This newer take is more of a concert film, with uncut takes of a good number of Dead Moon’s greatest songs.
“Embedded On Tour” is right: The “road” portions between songs convey the natural boredom, chaos, laffs and gaffes, and highs and lows of the long, winding road. One thing has always been true for Fred and Toody Cole and their bands: They tour HARD for weeks and weeks with very few days off. They get home, go straight back to work at their music store and label Tombstone, and then are off prospecting again, in search of treasure, not gold. Casual conversation belies a molecular history of rock’n’roll at times — Fred Cole having hit the road at age 14 under the moniker Deep Soul Cole. (For more of that unparalleled history, look for Magic Umbrella’s upcoming new edition of “Unknown Passage.”)
Along with bringing the viewer along for the whole D.I.Y. road vibe, we are treated to the SONGS. Jason’s and Kate’s camerawork puts you right up front for most of the live footage, and if you were there back inna day, you can practically smell the nicotine, sweat, whiskey, hot candle wax, and the wet leather of Fred and Toody’s soaked guitar straps.
“Oooooh, it’s soooooo good,” Fred coos after taking a pull from the communal pre-set cigarette before handing it off to Toody, who hands it off to Andrew, who hands it off … to Jason, the filmmaker behind the camera, drawing the viewer in for a drag off the rock’n’roll thurible. Then comes their communion ritual of the triple hand-clasp, heads bowed together in whispered incantations while the candle on the bass drum is lit. And then Dead Moon HITS.
From the first beats of the live footage, the air is thick with the ringing suspense of the three parts falling together, charging ahead, and hanging on for dearest life for the wild ride. “Down the Road” explodes kinetically, with Fred’s urgent caterwauling howl now leading the charge. Church is in session, and the congregation is in thrall. Together, the crowd is its own organism, a pogoing pit of exuberance and ecstatic release.

Dead Moon shows were sheer ritual and transcendent, and “In the Crypt” sticks ya right back into that raging ragtag joy. It strikes me, too, upon revisiting Dead Moon live – and I must’ve seen somewhere around 80 shows all told, at best guess – that the dynamics of their live shows rode a similar trajectory as early Bad Brains, with the raging flailing physicality of their hardest and fastest songs interspersed with Dead Moon’s deep soul ballads or Bad Brains’ heavy dub cuts. In either case, the effect is pure musical alchemy. Get embedded on the road with Dead Moon through this film, and DIG