The Incredible Author And Artist: Morgana Welch
Interview by GINGER COYOTE

Punk Globe: Thanks so much for the interview, Morgana. Since we last spoke you did an excellent job with an updated version of Hollywood Diaries your book has a new life with people wanting to order it. Congratulations.
Morgana: Thank you, Ginger. Over the years friends have sent me lots of images that I really wanted to include, so this 20th Anniversary version has many more graphics.

Punk Globe: Do you have plans for another book?
Morgana: Perhaps another writing project, not sure if it will be a book. Right now I’m playing around with art and enjoying being semi-retired.
Punk Globe: I am also happy to see that you have honed your talent as a painter. Tell us how that transpired.
Morgana: Thank you. I have been a graphic design artist since the 90s but mostly for small projects and web design work. I’ve always enjoyed computers and have been keeping up with learning new graphic design programs. During the pandemic, I began to do an art piece a day for therapy. I started posting on Social Media for the purpose of putting something positive out there amidst the chatter of bad things…Trump, the fears about CoronaVirus. It started as something just to counteract all the negative messaging and a medium for escapism during the lockdown. Now it has morphed into a passion, something I really like.
Punk Globe: I noticed that from your early paintings, you have really grown as an artist with your work now. I can only imagine you are very happy. Did you take any art classes?
Morgana: I did not take art classes. I learn on my own. I’ve been around artists all my life, my mother was an accomplished painter, but as an adult I never really had the time to develop my skill being a single mom, working, raising my daughter, and then raising my grandkids.
My youngest grandkid, 18 years old, turned me onto AI programs about 6-7 years ago and I’ve been keeping up with it. During the lock-down I dove in and really began to learn. Over the past 3 years the AI art programs have gotten so incredible, the medium has really grown and evolved. I’m glad I got on in the beginning because it’s been fun to watch and experience the changes, it’s a constant learning process.
There is also a lot of controversy about AI and I agree with some of it. I try to use my own art and photography as base art, or stuff I find in Public Domain. The programs that have come out in the past year have been so good at emulating other artists I can see why it rattles people, it does me too. But, it is the future and we’ll have to deal with it, the good and bad. Also, some people don’t consider you a ‘real’ artist if you use AI, I can see that. I don’t compare myself to traditional artists, it’s a skill set I don’t really have. But I do have a writing background which is helpful to write prompts to get the art you are looking for, and I have a digital art background. I usually run 50 or more renditions and then piece them together and do the final touch up’s in Photoshop. It’s a multi-step process to get the result I’m looking for.

Punk Globe: Have you gotten a lot of encouragement from your musician friends for your art?
Morgana: It has been well received. I’m really happy about that. I get a lot of support on my Facebook page. I’ve done a couple of pieces for musicians; I did a piece that I believe is going to be included as poster art for Jeff Dahl, and I’ve done a piece for a CD cover that is soon to be released by one of the members of The Pretty Things, Jon Povey.
My intention was always to inspire and take people somewhere else in my art, somewhere fun, and maybe a little bit weird and fantastical too.
Punk Globe: How old were you when you discovered your artistic talent?
Morgana: Recently, later in life. With the available array of graphic arts programs, it’s really a fun playground and suits me at this time.
Punk Globe: Do you have inspirations whose work you like?
Morgana: I’ve always loved the illustrators of the 1900s era – Maxfield Parrish, Alphonse Mucha; and also the Pre Raphelliates. I also love the illustrations of the mid-century era. I vacillate between fantasy art with an emphasis on landscapes, bubbles, and portals, and mid-century 1950s – 60s illustrators. My parents were models and would often model for these type of illustrations. Now that I am living in a mid-century neighborhood I’m really into that style right now.
Punk Globe: Did you excel in art while in school?
Morgana: I don’t think I excelled at anything except math in school. My focus was on the Sunset Strip and rock stars, lol.
Punk Globe: Have you participated in any art shows showcasing your art?
Morgana: I have not. I’m thinking of doing some art shows later this year or early next year.
Punk Globe: Do you have a website for your artwork?
Morgana: Yes, I am currently selling my art on these platforms –
Punk Globe: Do you have any Internet addresses that you would like to share with the readers? Punk Globe: Any news for the future for the readers to look forward to?
Morgana: I’ll still be doing art this year and maybe some writing. I recently had a commission to do a few pieces of mid-century style men, so maybe more of that.
Punk Globe: Are you happy living in Arizona with the election deniers and people like Kari Lake
Morgana: I love the beauty of Arizona. Some of the politicians are offensive. The state has changed over the years and is becoming more progressive. Living in the downtown area is very cool and diverse. The politics are changing here, thank god.
Punk Globe: I remember that you also were have problems with your new home you purchased has things gotten better for you?
Morgana: Some things have gotten better. I bought a condo in an iconic mid-century modern 18-floor highrise. It’s a building I always wanted to live in since I was a kid. Once I moved in just a month before the CoronaVirus I found out the building had lots of problems that were not disclosed. It has been an on and off nightmare with water leaks, and construction workers here for most of the 3 years I have been here. But, I decided to get involved in my building to try and make a difference. I joined the Party and Decorating Committee which is fun because I get to plan and execute social gatherings for the residents in the building and have a say in our mid-century modern aesthetic. So, the problems here are slowly getting solved, but I’m still looking to move at some point.
Punk Globe: Describe yourself in 2023 in three words?
Morgana: Inspired, Grateful, Ready

Punk Globe: Any parting words for Punk Globe readers?
Morgana: Just a thank you to you. We’ve known each other since we were teens and it’s great to still be in touch!