October 2024 – The Incredible Jen Dot 

The Incredible Jen Dot

Interview By: Ginger Coyote

I remember receiving an email from Jen about her truly fabulous book ‘Hit Girls….The Women Of Punk’ that was released on Feral House Books. She has done many session groups with many of the women in the book to promote the book. I was asked to participate in one in Los Angeles. It was badass with a mixture of fun free-spirited women recalling fun incidents, shows, and bands from the era. Jen was the moderator who held the group together.

I later discovered her band BeastII which is located in Chicago. I got to ask to ask her about the origins Of BeastII and their influences Jen Dot is truly inspiring and I do hope you enjoy this interview

Punk Globe: Thanks so much for doing the interview. Tell us what inspired your book Hit Girls.

I had been listening to a lot of – almost solely – punk and post-punk from the late ‘70s and early ‘80s and was really drawn to the bands with women in them… I had friends point me to new artists and suggest compilations, and I was blown away by how many women were making music at the time. The narrative I always understood was that there were a few special women invited into a boys’ club and that it wasn’t until the ‘90s that women carved their own space in punk – but I started to see that wasn’t the whole story. Women were always involved in punk and laid the foundation for the movement altogether. Once I started digging in, I realized it was a largely untold history. I think being a musician myself, experiencing misogyny and marginalization in music scenes even 30 years later, I felt that the stories needed to be told. 

Punk Globe  It was cool that you centered the book around Women in the punk movement from the 1970s.  I remember you telling me that you used Punk Globe to get information. What other sources did you use? 

Yes! I used Punk Globe! I also used Search & Destroy and any other archival writings, photos, and interviews I could find online. Sometimes newspaper clippings and even posters.  I was able to go to Penelope Houston’s punk archive in San Francisco, where I got to see a lot of photos, writings, calendars, and flyers. I got a lot of the records, and when it was available, I used information on the inserts. I would say one of the best sources on the internet is YouTube. I discovered so many bands that way and could listen to a lot of the stuff I couldn’t find or afford on vinyl. I also consulted a lot of other books– which, at times, I used to gather details and, at other times, used to contextualize scenes in various cities, as well as what the historical landscape had already covered. 

But the most important sources are the band members and the women themselves. I tried to talk to everyone I could. Although some have passed away, we are living a little more than 40 years from the time all this magic happened, which means we have access to these living storytellers. Telling each band or artist’s story as objectively as I could while also letting their voices drive the narrative was very important to the process.  

Punk Globe: I was impressed you spotlighted Nyna Crawford from The Vktms. Such an underrated musician.

She is so interesting. A handful of people brought her up to me – including yourself. It was cool to include a fable she wrote that her bandmate John Binkov sent me. 

Punk Globe: Were most of the Women receptive to your requests?

They were! Almost everyone I contacted got back to me and was excited to talk or write back and forth. I would say the excitement was especially palpable from the lesser-known bands, including many from the Midwest who hadn’t really gotten much press at the time or since then. 

Punk Globe: When did you start writing Hit Girls, and how long did it take to complete?

I guess I technically started it in late 2018 and finished it in early 2022. 

Punk Globe: Ilka From PR Publicity let me know about your own band BEASTII. Give us the scoop on the band.

We’re a surfy punk band with some dark electro roots. “Follower” is our second full-length album, and we are really proud of it!

Punk Globe: tell us how you came up with the band name.

I honestly don’t remember. I had recorded an electronic bedroom album and I think I was trying to use the word “beasty”, but almost every spelling variation had been taken. Strangely enough, maybe two or three years after I had claimed the name on all the streaming services, someone else started using it. I was like, really? You’re using this word spelled this way? I reached out to them, and they were pretty cool about changing it. 

I sort of identify as a “beasty” because it’s like a ferocious animal but still sweet and cuddly. After I decided on that spelling and the band morphed into a garage rock project, we came up with an acronym for it, which we’ve sort of dropped, but is still kind of funny.  Beings from Earth Alternate Terra II. 

Punk Globe: Besides yourself on vocals who else is in the band?

Chris Lee has played drums in every iteration since we became a live band, and he also records and mixes our albums. (In fact, he even pressed this one to vinyl!) I think it’s important to note that he records and mixes us because the recording process requires both technical skill and artistic decision-making, which Chris has been overseeing since Can’t Wait. Regarding songwriting, I collaborated the most with Jesse (Fevvers). Jesse and I have been friends for 20 years, but they just joined the band in 2022 when they moved back to Chicago. Jesse plays guitar and sings. We really connect artistically and always could inspire each other; Jesse reigns me in and shines a light on new directions for me to take, sort of like an editor. And I light a fire, help them manifest their visions. Our friend Maureen was playing bass live for a while, recorded bass on 3 songs, and sang lead on one. Then my really good friends Kai and Asha jumped in during the recording process to round out the songs with bass, keys, and backing vocals. 

Punk Globe: The band’s home base is Chicago correct?

Yes ma’am.

Punk Globe: You have four releases out tell us all about them.

We are putting out an album called FOLLOWER right now and releasing a new song every Friday. There are 13 songs so this is happening from June to September. We have a variety of songs but have really honed in on our style. It’s like a mix between the first EP I made by myself and the garage rock stuff the band morphed into. I’m really happy with it!  

Punk Globe: Do you have an address where the readers can buy your releases?

The best place to buy the album is on Bandcamp – www.beastii.bandcamp.com. 

Punk Globe: Has BEASTII toured? Please tell us about your stand-out shows.

We have only toured around the Midwest, but now that Jesse is back in the UK, maybe we will get a chance to play over there. We have had a lot of really fun shows, but one of the most memorable is when we got to open up for Barbie Army at Phyllis’s Musical Inn. They’re a band from Chicago that played during the late ‘80s and early ‘90s and I’m kind of obsessed with them. The show was such a fun celebration. It was packed to the gills, and we did this fun little setup where we played four songs, they played four songs, we played four more and then they closed out. Surprisingly, it went pretty smoothly and I kind of dug how it worked. 

Punk Globe: Are you currently working on any new book projects?

Trying to write a second Hit Girls! I have some other non-fiction ideas, and I’m also always poking away at a few fiction projects – most of which I have been working on for a decade or more…  

Punk Globe: What is coming up for BEASTII 

Putting out this album and seeing what happens! Hopefully making some more music and music videos. Always toying with new songs.

Punk Globe: Do you have any Internet  Addresses you would like to share with the readers

Instagram – @beastii_rips and the beastii. Bandcamp are the best places to go. You can listen to us on Spotify too! 

PunkGlobe: Describe yourself in three words.

Passionate, imaginative, bewitching.

Punk Globe: Any final words of wisdom for the readers Jen? This interview will be out in October 2024 which is my Birthday 

In my humble opinion, October is the best month of the year for several reasons, but namely fall activities and Halloween! Happy Birthday Ginger🎃!! 

Punk Globe: When did you start writing Hit Girls, and how long did it take to complete?

I guess I technically started it in late 2018 and finished it in early 2022. 

Punk Globe: Ilka From PR Publicity let me know about your own band BEASTII. Give us the scoop on the band.

Alternate Terra II. 

Punk Globe: Any last words for Punk Globe readers?

In my humble opinion, October is the best month of the year for several reasons, but namely fall activities and Halloween! Happy Birthday Ginger🎃!!