October 2024 – Let’s Talk Punk With Lone Creep   

Let's Talk Punk With Lone Creep

Interview By Lisa-PunkrPrincess

Punk Globe: Hi Thanks for chatting with us. Can you give a little history about yourself and how you got into music?

Lone Creep:It all started with my parents. My Mom told me that when I was young, every night at bedtime, she gave me the choice between a bedtime story or listening to “Hey Jude”. The story goes that I chose Hey Jude every night.
They took us to lots of concerts when we were young and there was always music in the house.
I became interested in playing music in the early ‘80s when New Wave was the thing. I formed a band called The Creeps with a few friends in March of ’83. The first song we ever played live was “Mongoloid” by Devo.
The Creeps were around for 7 years or so and we enjoyed playing to decent-sized crowds in Colorado Springs and the front range of Colorado.
Within a year after forming, my influences had completely pivoted to raging angry Punk Rock. The catalyst was when I heard Discharge’s “Possibility of Life’s Destruction” on the local college radio station in the middle of the night. That was the big turning point and still influences a majority of what I do. From the fierce energy to the often social/political lyrics. I I do like to throw in relatable angry songs about stupid shit in addition to the serious socio political stuff. I don’t like to be serious ALL the time.
In the years since The Creeps disbanded I’ve noodled around with playing guitar along with fave bands, but I didn’t get back into writing original music until about 8 years ago. I’ve played with a few bands here in Albuquerque in the last few years, but nothing stuck. Tried to put together a The Creeps 40th anniversary album a few years back, but other band members were too busy to really dig in and get it done. So, I decided to just go solo and become LONE Creep. In case you were wondering where the name came from 😊

Punk Globe: First song you learned to play?

Lone Creep: In its entirety, I’d have to say “Knife Edge” by GBH. Those guys were one of my biggest influences back in the day as well.

Punk Globe: What track are you most proud of and why?

Lone Creep: That’s gotta be my recent tune “Everyone Can Go Get Fucked”.  It’s simple. It’s catchy. It’s relatable.

 Punk Globe: Favorite Sandwich?

Lone Creep: You do NOT want to go there lol 😊
My family owned a sandwich joint which I worked in for many years. I’m gonna have to go with corned beef and swiss with lots of horseradish grilled on pumpernickel. With crappy potato chips and a pickle. BOOM, perfection.

Punk Globe: Tell us your music making process.

Lone Creep: I come up with a riff idea in my head. Usually when I’m totally alpha-state napping. I snag a drum loop, load it up and start working out the riff. Or I have NO riff, and I fire up a drum loop and just start playing guitar until something cool surfaces. Sometimes I’m just a conduit.
Once the first riff is on tape I start working on the chorus, bridges and any transitions in the same way. Because non-linear editing is so cool, I can then arrange all the pieces in a way I think flows well. Then I usually edit, rebuild or embellish the drum loops and record all the guitars and bass again.
Then I drink a few beers and just start screaming whatever comes to mind into the mic. I usually have no idea what the song is going to be about until this point. I used to actually write lyrics but I find it suits my style better to record each line on tape and delete/adjust along the way.
Four beers or so later, the song is done for the most part. The whole process usually takes place in one Friday evening after dealing with friggin’ work for a week. I see that as one of the few advantages to being a one-person band. Can’t pull off a whole tune in one night with three or four other people and an engineer involved.

Punk Globe: How many releases do you have out?

Lone Creep: I honestly have no idea at this point 😛 I think between singles and EPs, maybe 16? 17? Somewhere in that range.

Punk Globe: Tell us some other hobbies you have.

Lone Creep: I play video games every once in a while. Used to be a video game junkie, but the gaming industry has become just as bad as Hollywood. So  I’ve kind of backed off on that. Significantly. I’d have to say I’m “in between” hobbies at the moment. Next up I’ll probably pick up some books and start reading again. Been too long and I really enjoy it.

Punk Globe: Tell me how many hats you have in your house?

Lone Creep: ONE! Ok, wait, TWO. I have a black baseball hat that says “FUCK” all over it, but never the complete word. Then, I have my fancy safari hat I wear to Punk Rock Bowling so I don’t freakin get killed by the sun 😊

Punk Globe: Describe your local music scene.

Lone Creep: Albuquerque is a really cool rock n roll town. Venues range from your typical dive bar venues to quite a few DIY joints. We have a ton of great indie bands. There also seems to be a really cool crossover between the Punk/Metal people. I see lots of the same people at different genre shows. SO much cooler than when those two scenes fought each other in the ‘80s.

Punk Globe: What or who inspires you in your music?

Lone Creep: Lyrically – Politics, social issues, stubbing my toe, bills, hypocrisy, and especially anything that may be relatable to people in everyday life. When I started this project I intended to stay away from politics because that such a prominent theme in Punk, but shit’s fucked up right now that it inspires me to fucking scream about it.  I like to think of my lyrics as a combo of Dead Kennedys with the humor and sarcasm of Angry Samoans.
Musically – From Discharge, GBH to Slayer and Motorhead. I obviously DO love the heavy, fast stuff.

Punk Globe: Tell us about an unsigned artist you have seen recently.

Lone Creep: Oh, shit. I was chilling with my friend Matt from the band Informal Complaint in the smoking area at Rebellion Festival this year, and he HAD to leave to go see a band. I was just fucking off that day and went with him to see Swarf Damage from Isle of Man. Holy. Fuck. They blew the roof off the joint. Exploited meets Slayer. I had a chance to hang with Dan from the band and his better half a couple of times during the fest. Cool as hell people

Punk Globe: What item would you be lost without?

Lone Creep: My giant-assed, comfy AF BED. Old man naps are one of my hobbies. Which I failed to mention earlier in the “hobbies’ question 😛

Punk Globe: Where is  your favorite place to eat?

Lone Creep: The entire state of New Mexico. And I LOVE to go out to eat. Which is another hobby I may have failed mention 😊

Punk Globe: Anything you would like the readers/fans to know about?

Lone Creep: I’m not an angry person, as one might believe from the lyrics of my songs. I’m actually super mellow.

Punk Globe: Any shout-outs?

Lone Creep: BIG TIME.….First and foremost my wife, Kristin. For putting up with my constant music talk and guitar buying habits. And to you  and all the other radio stations and record labels who get my music on radio stations across the world. I won’t list them all – you know who you are 😊. You and all the others are the biggest reason people hear my music. My music isn’t being heard if it’s just sitting there dormant on some streaming site – it’s these people who’ve made a huge impact in my music being heard. Also big shout out to every band, page, person who has shared any of my posts and driven people to hear my tunes. Buncha badasses 😊

Punk Globe: Where can we find your music?

Lone Creep: Bandcamp is THE WAY to go to support indie artists. I have a major aversion to the business practices of the streaming platforms, so I only upload a song every now and then to those crooks.

Punk Globe: Thanks for chatting with us. And thanks to all the readers.

Lone Creep: My pleasure, and thank you for thinking of me Lisa!
Big shout out to you and Whatever68 for all you do for the indie Punk community!