October 2024 – The Simply Amazing Vanessa Briscoe Hay of Pylon Reenactment Society

The Simply Amazing Vanessa Briscoe Hay of Pylon Reenactment Society

Interview By: Ginger Coyote

Photo by Chris Sikich

Vanessa is my twin sister from another father I love her much and what a set of pipes she has on her. Please check out Pylon Reenactment Society they rawk

Punk Globe: Happy Birthday Early!!! My dear birthday twin. Are you throwing a kegger on the 18th? Be careful, Our triplet Zac Efron had an injury in the water.

Happy Birthday to you as well Ginger— my birthday twin — October is our month!  On the 18th I am planning to see Jonathan Richman at the 40 Watt in Athens, GA.  I’ll have to watch how much I drink because Pylon Reenactment Society is playing Drkmttr Festival on the 19th in Nashville and it’s a bit of a drivel 

Punk Globe: I am going to take it easy. I believe I had a bout with COVID but thanks to Joe and Kamala I have had all my vaccines.

Thank goodness for those vaccines. I am glad you’ve recovered. We can do an orange juice toast ❤️

Punk Globe: How excited are you that our close pal Leslie Michel has returned to Social Media? Her posts always make me smile!  How did you first meet Leslie?

It’s always so nice to hear from Leslie— she is such a positive person. 

I first met Leslie Michel in Athens, GA around 1981. She ran a late-night coffee shop and art gallery on Prince Avenue called respectively the Coffee Club and Night Gallery. I remember she was roommates with Linda Hopper (Oh-Ok) and other interesting people in an old Victorian house on Prince Avenue.  She and Linda hung their black dresses all around the living room from the picture rail. One night they caught some sorority girls peeking through the windows.  Turns out they had been ”dared” to do it. The rumor around the sorority house was that those little black dresses were witch’s robes hanging around the room.


Vanessa Briscoe Hay and Ginger Coyote, Part Time Punks, Echoplex, LA, December 2016 by Damon Denton

Punk Globe: I know that you and her go back to when Pylon and REM  were just starting in Athens

That is true— though don’t think I actually knew her until REM played at the church. 

Punk Globe; Tell the readers about the film ‘Athens Georgia Inside and Out’ so many familiar faces in it. It was very interesting. There was a recent showing of the film and you were one of the guest panelists. Who else was on the panel for the film?

Athens, GA- Inside/Out was a movie directed by Tony Gayton and produced by Bill Cody. They were big fans of Errol Morris’s film Vernon, Florida, and wanted to make a similar documentary about another community.  They came to scope out Athens, GA, and were taken by the artistic and music community and decided to do it here.  In some ways, the film is imperfect because it doesn’t show the whole music scene, in other ways, it is perfect because it is a snapshot of our city at that time just as the modern alternative music scene was starting to take off. It’s a valentine to an idyllic time in our city’s history.  So many who were in it have since passed away— like Dexter Romwebber, Ort, John Seawright, Laura Carter, Jeremy Ayres, Randy Bewley, Davey Gibbs, and Howard Finster—I am glad it exists.  Because it was shot on film, it has an atmospheric look and has some amazing footage of Athens while it was still a fairly sleepy college town.  The best piece of rock footage I’ve ever seen is the continuous shot of Flat Duo Jets on the steps of the Fraternity House in 17-degree temps.  R.E.M.’s performance at the Lucy Cobb Institute is so beautiful.  Squalls and Love Tractor put on amazing performances at the 40 Watt Club, The music was recorded live for the movie. Movie interviews and performances include Howard Finster, John Seawright, Jim Herbert,  R.E.M., B-52’s, Pylon, Squalls, Love Tractor, Bar-B-Que Killers, Limbo District, Time Toy, and more.  

Panelists for the event at the Plaza Theatre in Atlanta included producer Bill Cody, Bob Hay (Squalls), and myself (Pylon). The moderator was Andrew Lawandus. 

Panel discussion at Plaza Theatre, Atlanta, GA
Still from Athens, GA-Inside/Out

Punk Globe: Another interesting  film you had on your Facebook wall was ‘Weirdo The Story of Five Eight’ tell us more

Five-Eight is an Athens, GA band whose core members moved here from the Binghamton, NY area after Athens, GA Inside-Out was released. They formed their band around 1988. They are an intense and talented rock band who have toured extensively and have recorded ten albums. Probably the best band you’ve never heard of —The main songwriter Mike Mantione has battled severe depression throughout his life.  There is no one with a bigger heart. Bassist Dan Horowitz is a stellar musician and an all-around great guy. Sean Dunn on guitar and Patrick Ferguson round out the current lineup.  Other band members over the years include Mike Palamatier, Scott Sossi, and Mike Rizzi. The documentary was shot by Marc Pilvinsky and was meant to come out in 2020.  By the time this article comes out, it will have debuted in Athens and Atlanta. .

See the trailer here:


Punk Globe: How were your recent shows in Florida any issues with the Hurricane?

They were great. We just missed all the bad weather. It was extremely hot. We played with The Pauses in Orlando.  Jacksonville included a pop-up book event for a newly released book Occupancy 250 which is about the influential all-ages club on Jacksonville Beach — Einstein A Go-Go. Everyone played there back in the day and people flew in from all over the country to attend the pop-up event and our concert,  One of my favorite bands It’s Snakes (feat, Hope Nicholls of Fetchin’Bones) and a newer band Idle Acres opened. We had a great time.  It was a true all-ages show on both nights.  

Still Will’s Pub, Orlando, Florida by Jim LeathermanAthens, GA-Inside/Out

Punk Globe: Both you and my pal Ann Magnuson are featured in ‘Revolutions Per Movie’ This also looks rad. Have you met Ann? We have a ‘little’ joke about Justin Timberlake we get laughs from. 

I’ve never formally met Ann. We are friends on social media.  We both sing a song on a Flexidisc that should be out by the time this interview is published. It is a special bonus perk for Patron subscribers of the podcast ‘Revolutions Per Movie.’  Other musicians include Peter Buck, Victor Krummenacher, Kliph Scurlock, Steve Bartek, Jay Gonzalez — and more! 

Punk Globe: I am so happy you are part of that big beautiful blue wave and showing your support. How happy are you with this year’s DNC? As Kamala says ‘We can’t go back’

I am so happy we have this Harris / Walz ticket.  I feel hopeful that we have a fighting chance. Fingers crossed!  Everyone, please vote! 

Punk Globe: What is in store for  Pylon Reenactment Society for the future?

PRS is continuing to do a little touring through the end of October to promote our album Magnet Factory.  We have been to the West Coast, SXSW in Texas, Mid-Atlantic states, and Florida so far this year. We are slated to go to Kansas, Memphis, and Chicago soon,  Hopefully, we can get in our studio and write some more tunes this winter.  We are already working on a few shows for the spring. We’ll see what happens. 

Punk Globe: Any Internet addresses that you would like to share with the readers?

All our links are on our webpage:


Punk Globe: Any last words for the Punk Globe readers. I love you Vanessa and also sweet Kay and Jason

Let’s focus on getting through this election. Everyone, be brave! We can’t go back. 

I love you too Ginger! 

Pylon Reenactment Society L to R Vanessa Briscoe Hay, Gregory Sanders, Jason NeSmith, Kay Stanton Photo by Jim Leatherman