August 2024 – The Fabulous Lisa-PunkrPrincess

The Fabulous Lisa-PunkrPrincess

Interview By: Ginger Coyote

We are not only celebrating Punk Globe Magazine’s 47th Anniversary but this month also marks Lisa’s 11th year Anniversary writing for Punk Globe. We all here at Punk Globe appreciate Lisa so much for all she does.

Punk Globe: First and foremost thank you for being a fantastic Interviewer for Punk Globe and for providing the masses with Whatever68 Radio.. You are very respected. How long have you been doing Whatever68 Radio? Do you realize the exposure that you give so many?

Lisa-PunkrPrincess: Thanks so much I have enjoyed writing interviews for Punk Globe. Whatever68 first opened on a blog in March 2012 then on April 1st we moved over to so I consider that our official opening date.

At first, I wasn’t sure as time went by and more and more people would tell me about a rad band or actor/author they heard about at Whatever68, I thought WOW!! And I was very happy the indie community is being seen, that’s important to me. Support the scene.

Punk Globe: You also do releases for the Radio Station. How many releases are out?

Lisa-PunkrPrincess: I do a yearly compilation off my little DIY label PP Promo Records called Making A Scene, my favorite comp I have been doing it since 2014, I also did a couple of other random ones 24 total and 2024 coming soon. I also do random compilations on the station’s behalf, some with only bands we play, including Noise Party I recently retired and our Newest one Never Mind Exclusion in collaboration with Joe Sirborg from Scanner, also Ginger is on it 🙂  18 total. 

Punk Globe: You also throw Anniversary Parties that showcase so many bands. Tell us about some of your favorite parties.

Lisa-PunkrPrincess: I have done 5 Whatever68 Radio Anniversary Festivals featuring local bands at a local venue The Bancroft, and I also hold Halloween Parties where local bands rock my backyard (it’s huge) with lots of tricks and treats.  I have loved all of them. All the bands are always great and local friends and family bring the fun.

Punk Globe: I do LOVE TRICK$!  You also frequented Punk Rock Bowling for the last few years posting bands on Instagram. Do you do live Radio Shows from there?

Lisa-PunkrPrincess: We love Punk Rock Bowling, a chance to meet and chill with social media pals this year I got to meet an indie artist I love Lone Creep and we hung out with him and his wife great people, we also got a chance to hang with other friends we normally don’t see often like Fred Wright and his wife, Helen and Mikey from Bad Ass always great seeing them, and of course our pal Jey aka-The Banana Guy.  However, I have never done a live show from there, I do mass promote the station by handing out stickers and pins and chatting up the local bands every chance I get while I am there.

Punk Globe: You also post so many anti-trump posts which is wonderful. I think the masses need to be reminded of just how evil and crazy he is. I think his family should have his vocal chords removed. I am sure they are sickened by it.

Lisa-PunkrPrincess: He needs to zip it, He is so hateful and dishonest, I can’t stand to hear him speak, I’m more for kindness and helping all humans. I will always fight for all human rights and have women’s backs. 

Punk Globe: You do a killer job supporting the local scene with your releases, Whatever68 Radio, your interviews in Punk Globe and your events Thank you for all you do.

Lisa-PunkrPrincess: Thanks so much I enjoy doing it and am happy to get unheard bands known. Thanks to all who support us we couldn’t do it without you and of course, the bands and labels who send us rad music, and the other WE68 DJs rock the station when I can’t and I appreciate them more than I can express I have a rad team. And you Ginger you have always been an inspiration in what I do.

Punk Globe: Tell us what the future holds for yourself and all you are involved with.

Lisa-PunkrPrincess: Music, shows, more music, interviews, and lots of fun.

Punk Globe: Do you have any Internet Addresses that you want to share with the readers?


Whatever68 DIY Radio 

Whatever68 IG

Whatever68 Facebook 

You can find our free comps here

Whatever68 Radio Bandcamp  

PP Promo Records Bandcamp

Punk Globe: Please describe yourself in three words

Lisa-PunkrPrincess: Resilient, outgoing, caring

Punk Globe: Punk Globe celebrates its 47th anniversary. Any well wishes or last words

Lisa-PunkrPrincess: Thanks for all the great reads and for having me be a part of if, BIG Anniversary hugs. Happy 47th Keep rockin’ always.